a. grup or ULa no50gs. CUB iCOUTS The Cub Scouts will hold theïr next pack meeting Friday 4tomorrow) eve- ning at 7 :30,o'clock In the junior roomà of the cburch. Parents and.friends are cordially lnvlted te be present. KAPPA pl[, PI Sunday evenlng at 5:30, o'clock mir. Cari Prussing will give an Illustrated lecture on "Thxe Beauties of the West." (;amen and refreshments, will foilow thé meetinig. 'the memnberahip carde will be printedl and given to ail who pay their semester dues at this meéeting.' AlilYoung people of 11gh achool age are cordlly Invited to Ineet with un.' OBSERVE DAY 0F' PRAYER On. Mardi 4, at 2 O'clock, six of the Wiimette churches will Joi n ln tbe1ob- servance of the Day of Prayer at.the Presbyter1ian church. The mninister offici- ating -WilI be the Rev. Charles. H. leim- sath, of the .First Baptist church in Evanston. The women of our chiurch are urged to attend. Baptist Church Wiimette and Forest avenues *Dr. George D. Ailison, pastor Tomorrow (Friday) niglit the Womn- an's society provides a Colonial supper. Therewill be a program appropriate to the patriotie season saqgested by Wasiîington's birthday. Alil members of the congregation are cordialiy, in- vited to make reservations. g..ndav fiq .Mtrm' .* n- .1-. ne another chorus memnbers. The Attend- ance cornmnittee asks ýfor-' an unusutal turnout of men ini al the exercises of the day. Dr. Braden's clams at 10 o'c1ock will prove a, revelation to) fi-3f who have* flotbee n in Sunday sc-h,>ol recently. Dr. Alimson wili1 preach a- sermon directed <especially to Christian mnen. The Young Peopie's society bas entered tipon a speciai Silver Jbieeffort, be- ginning with a revâLiuin-g of the pla~ns and. activities of the group, led by Miss Rluth Pbelps. Formuitiaons of purpose and a suEoested constttlion wil be SUTTER Country Rolal - sweet cream cburning, lb ...... L.Morgan ,YasD, W&nmette arcl.i- tect, will. be onc of the speakers. ut t/he luncheon mneeting of t/se Wil- m~uette Cfvk tleague Feitrty of this week at Marshall Pield's downtown store when the subject of a forum discussion wvill relate to the pro- posed revision and modernization of the Wilmette Building ordi- napwe. "W/zat Do Parents Owe Tizeir Children?"' WVhat' constitutes an amiable social order in the home? These and other questions çoncern- ing the rights of parents and children in modern life will be discussed by Raàbbi Charles E. Shulman in his ser- mon before the North Shore Congrega- tion Israel, Glencoe, Sunday morning, February 27. His subject is announced as "\ýhat Do Parents Owe Their Chul- drenf?" (A discussion of Sinclair Coiutir resh ,'Ali?-white, dean Cartons ....... ,-Z.6 c TURK.EYS.,POU LOIN ROAST Cut fontender, young, corn-fed Fresh. dry picked; the choice of porkers. Véry Juicyr and savory., Northwest's finest -fare tn o, Avg. welght 2%~ to ' 12 plup ad eer o maty I3 Ibo., lb ............ 1to 20 lbs. avg. Lbý .. 3 C ny si.. Cet, lbé. me POT 'ROAST lus RoAST f11 Cut îrom' very choice prime beef. x- -The very tlinest of top grade tremely tender, veryjuicy and 1< Ibeef, fully aged. 6th and ever so succulent, lb ...... .........7th ilb, standing, lb. lat S Ri C,1lI. 23 IPALACE QýUA'LITY STEAKS F'resh Mock 6fo 5 The finest prime -beef; fully aged; very Jui.cy, tender and savory. lusclous served ýFresh Grounid slztzling hot. Ail steaks eut to order. MÉAT LOAF, lb. 29c' 'SfRLOIN ...........1b. 39C PORTERHOUSE ...... lb. 49C Fresh Cut CHFOP S'Y 29 SWISS or ROUND ......lb.* 32C MIAT, Mlb ........ Bcàeless TENDERETTES lb. 39C Beef, Pork, Veal SWEET BREADS Fresh Calves', lb....................4 LEG Swift'j averag CASH und CARI Siory -1NoPh*u. Orc 0F LAMU sPremnium. 9-l". ~S SOLD MEDAI. FLOIJR 243f-lb. 93e: Ib * ......... Fresh Caught I Trout, lb. RY SPECIALS -dors or e .IIvrlw SIRLOIN STEAK Young ând Tender, lb ...23 e'2ç Fancy Lobster TÂU4S Jwek-lb ..3 uperlor S39c I OYSTEBS. Cocktail, F'a.ncy Pure Cane SUGAR Grown. and reflned in U., S. A. 10-lb. loth55 --r COFFEEI WHEATIES "The Breakfast of pion', 2 ks. 23c TMAU C NUISE: .1-Luctu %.ciiiwrin, s gvuuga Vnîg the Rni luncheon and bridge a week from to- were served and day (Thursday) in honor of her a. Chinese pla houseguest, Mrs. Marshall Gorewbo Chun," done ini is, here from Monigomery, Ala. "64property man" POWDEE - Chinese ýv