Specicls on Sale Febniary 24 Marcb 2. 1938 - _ - - - '-- -- - -1 1 - Ii li l. 1 ý1 FRESH LAKE TROUTlb.3 5 k. !IESH CHICKEN LIVERS. A. holpful. whncooked and served with rice or fried andý served with, scràmbled g- FRESH CRAR MEA. Hero's aàreal fish freat that lu cifficuit te get and delicibus te eat-i4n soleds. 0 cocktails or entrees-lb. 59C SPRUNG LEG 0F LAME.ý Deliciouly teonder meat end os- pecially delecta ble when, rubbed, with olive, oi before cooking and ' roasted with à. clove of cgarlic- l.2 1 CHOICE ROUND STEAK. Tender enid tasty and priced attractively Iow--Cut thin for frying or. thick for baking- lb. 27c Frie.d's Brownm Bread Se good when served steam- ig hot with baked bean- Aise very tasfy just, as Ji, and in sandwiches- lb. size i7c> inviting entres lb. 49c RSHDRESSED. STrE WING NHENS. For chicken stew with lots of Ch.ickeai flavor and doudcous gay-Serve wi1th light, Bs. dumlings- lb,. 1 FRESH DRISSIED CAPONS. The zenith 'of delectability when roatfed to a. à golden brown tenderes- 36 4-to 6 lbs. uvoeg.-tb. 3 c BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BIEF. For perfect flavor start cooking là coId wafer; bring te a boiI, add onions, cloves, a boy bof and a p.ppercom;- simmer ,antiltender-lb.2.4C, He rrinq Tid Bits A dellcious appetizer packed in wine sauce-Serve with crisp wfers before dinner or as a light supper snack- 2 1/2 -b. keg 87C, The large, plump, moisi fig. the f are se goôd te eat after dinner or as a between-meals rwet-lb pkg- 39c ORANGES FOR JUICE nectarm-Drink àa glasufl witlihL9 every meal. .9c FLORIDýA.ORANGE SI The floridias are iefnow i .d -full of .juice-Doz.2ec 3&gz. 79c GRAPEFRUIT. ý Texas soeedlss-Wonderful doL. LEMONS. Large sixe. full of jiùice-Add te the deiIy citrus fruit juice--Us. là puddins. pies, for'garnishing fishý- .doz. LiC FRESH -STRA WBIRRI ES. Ripe, fiavorsome, ~pint sweet, atld deIicius-2bxs 3 SANANAS. Waxy, yellow fruitm-Sliçe and juice and suger-Bake, fry, or eat eut of hand- Yu hie of Northern Spys, Beauties or Maclnosh- Fruit SoIod A delîcious and sortivent r.ady'f a favorite dress. 3 for 1.00 1colorful a's- to serve witI, 2'/a tinis 35c, Co n'b Honey A truly healthful sweet. Serve wlth hot muffins, popovers, relis or wafers-2 7 serve with lemon 3 lb.. 20ée Greenings, Rome, ý5 ibs. 25e fiavor, full of 5fo29 CELERY I4EARTS. Snow-whif*e, fonder, crhp heani*2 29c se refreshing at ail tians -bun. 7 HEAD LETTUCI. Cisp. solid head- NEW POTATOIS. Medium size-Just right jackets, creaming or frying ràw- hoeds 15e for boling litheir, .6li ,25ec RIPE TOMATOISI Firm, ripe, Ted fruit-With 2 - 2 -5 the .'eal gardon fiavor. U *.e Ting Tong Cocktail A ýnew and zestful .,cocktail com-, bining tomnate and sauer kraut juice-Be sure to chilI well before lic- 1I l i Winuetka 51 Wihuwte 151 to Do ) o., Rogers' Park 0 18 E BRUARÀ 24, .1938 Imporfed Smyrn figs Fi