PNos I __________________________________ I I Colossal Suqar DICed ShoestdagorS i ed INo, No.2 'Shoesfrienor SiWax__ ___ .iee"s .. ... . ed No. 2 63C ___ 31c $1.33 ____ arot.* ..Centrellu Shoestrimq or, Diced No. 2 3c $1 .23 ____ onaos .. Traymore Solid>Pock No.62 2.c 1.09 Tomato.s..., Troymore Extra, Standard IWO. 11/2 . $42 Tonafres * * SiIver Cup Extra Quaii'y No. 2 31C 51.25 Tomortoes .... Silver Cup 'Extra QuaIity NO. 21/2 43c $1.65, SWuccotaish* ** Centrello Extra Fancy No. 2 50C $9 e' g e e * * Ail Green No. 2 I Il. Fresh 79c No. 2 $3.101 * e e e e * O g e *1 'I Peaches e e e e Cenfrella *II Halves Mothers Stylo No. 2~] I £o~. ~1Lm. t J E JIJTJ..LL.Z.I W~ Troymore Sivr Cup on Rien syrup SIiced or Halvas SlIced or Hàalves -1Il h Apricots ***** Ceatrella Whole Peeled Nvo. 21/2 Pineappi. earIaSIcdN.2/ Pineap i. . le. raure Sliced N.2/ Appe Suce * * Silver Cup Vr oar No2 Extra .0 O e I. s e f uwey CentreIIo Superb, Mixture No. 7 Centr.IIo Superb Mixture No. 21/2 Cent relo, 1- RfreR.a 1Cent aeIIe No.? il. 85C $3.30 79t 53.10 73< $2,30O 29c 51:.09 3.3c $1 ~aauuruuaa uuuusuauuy rine Nb. y iIl >auSIKruUT., .* nI ew roca FreshVegetables. PRICES 9UOTED ON MARKIT'S lEST TEXAS VALENCIA MIANGES .........5 doz. $1 Ha pec eofztfýryBEVERAGE ASSORTED TO ORDER * a supply of beverage ref reshment ready for your unex- d guests. You can order a case assorted to your Iiking ealize a i,%a iir If 1s New! If's Delicl@us! .James Rlver-Smlth ilid Haom Tost. SANDWICH SPREAD Wish sMat fanions SmihiedVirginia IHa aus t. PInboffle i 13C Qualioty Meats GRADE "X, MEATS-qI. S. INSPECTED WHIOLE OR SHANK HIALF H4AM * ............b 8 rt*iE NUT TOP WIIflut.e420 Phoaa WImete 420 W1LM ETTE LIPE j FEBRUA R Y.24, 1193 8 ~. s e e e e e e e Deets. ao 0 ; 'é, 0 a Ceas tr.llo Cent relia k- Aparagus- O O g silver Cup * e e i uw~ e Nés A. 1 .1- No. 211/1 [67éý lNé.2 2 aodt 47c je a. ý à a a ee 1 R. S. Piffed Troymore no. 53c- ý27-0]3 Extra Fancy te_ rattre Poney New Pack. 801 fe-ochee .Chordés