aaTpved home last Irday t roui a fiye weeks' cruise to Rio de Janeiro on the Eaupress of Àustralia. They viskted five of the islands in the M'est Indiçs- as well as South, America. CAPES #MM $1-. I0faM . £ FOISML «M mF., Wini i. and hished both nand and coastal waters,- stopping at, St. Petersburg, Naples. Pine l'gland, the Evergaàdes,ý Flamingo «and the Florida Keys. At. inland, waters,1 Lake Okeechobee, St.'John's rîlver and other spots, they fished for bass,ý although they had poorer luck withbass than any other fish. Southern'.waters aboù,nd in game fish and they caught everything from, shaurks, mackerel, anberjacks and'sail- fish to record-breaking bluefish.. At Ft. Lauderdale Mr. Blades and Mr' Fink each caught .a. sailfish wbile on the Doris II, owned by Capt. Lewis. In ail they -motored 4,700 miles, returning to Tampa onthe west coast before they left for home. Po J. Klapperichs Start World Grise Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Klapperich of 412 Central avenue, Wilmette, sailed Saturday, February 19: frorn New York on a four-month world cruise. They are going by way of the Panana' Canal to Honolul1u and the Orient, stopping at Indîa for a two weeks' trip inland. 1They are then continuing to the Mediterranean by way of Suez where they have planned to motor through Sailing from New York on the Kungsholm Iast Friday for a West Indies and South American cruise were Miss G e rt r u deMatthews, d4aughter of Mr. and Mrs., Ben H. Matthews, 319' Essex road, Kenil-, worth, and M£iss Prudence and 'Miss Ruth' Johnson, daughters of Mrs. Homer Johnson, 158 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth. They will be away for abouit threeweeks.. Mlri. Rimer A. Cloar, 1301 Chestitut avenue, Wiimette, and her .daughta'r, Nancy, also Mrs. M. R. Patterson of Wirnnetka, were recent gidests ot the Roney Plaza at Miarni Beach, Fia.* Mrs. Ciaar and her daughter wer e aw y for tw-o weeks. They returned to Wilmette last week and Nancy 7esispned her studies at Neu' Trier High schooi. C.. P.. Kendalls Retuîrn I niovs Motor Jinwn - j >pvu £Lo a an'd Little Sat N ew canicel their plans to k. I after reaching New. MII Shad to atemala