They've been here only a few days, and, already, these ingratiating littie two-piece suits are winniiig hearts right and left. They have a certain swing and verve that is utterly captivating- and, of course, they ar~e the first and, last. word in early Spring styles. Bolero Herb's a littie darling in Moormist, a', oleek, fine-textured fabric 'that cornes in natural, lighit ine and. green. The srnartness of its bolero jacket is. ac- c entuated by the checked taffeta blouse and its rnatching bow tie. The high cut California. skirt addsthe final touch of , chic to this jaunty outfit. Sizes 9 to i7., Sketched Below petite Shop. t w Bell.boy - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FBBRUAY 24,1938 3 ) ) 3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )