pi>'i., the atteritoon wiII be spent playing bridge~. SMrs. 'George A. Yates, 745 Mac- lean avenue, Kenilworth, chairman of social welfare, and Mrs. Alfred R. Gardner of Evanston will be co- hostesses. Mrs. A. H. Foccroft of Wilmette. and Mrs. Walter W. Steiner of Ev- anston are co-chairmen of the grouip. I- Kenilworth Club Dance Ini celebration of theXashington- birthday time of year, the -Keo4il- E. . Ry Potoworth club is having a red, white Mrs. Henry Clinginan, 91. Ab- and bine hall Frîday veing this botsford road, Winnetkà, is ways weekat 8 :30 o'clock. Miss Virginia. Ond means chairmnivn o! thc, Mary Little is in harge of reservations. Crane league uphich, is çponsoring Mrs. Thomas S. Wright and Mrs.. flhe animal crard p'art%- on May~ 4. W.,Evers, Jr>., are on the cornmnittee ai Sîawîec ounrv cub.plannivng the evening., FltOM THE! DANUBE TO, DIXIE by R. H. Moekhom HELP Y OURSELF RESRÂRCH THE! LISERATOR FARMS AND THE. FARMER, The elristsan Science PubibulngSociet Dopt. L-3. Orne. Norway Street. Dosten, a". I Pion.e send to.tho address beiow Theo Chrttan Science Monitor grain Match I.Ao Aptil Il. 19380 containn the "Up With the TRies', soties. for~ whlch I encl ose remittanceofol$1.00. Maine........... ..................... &ýddross, .....................................1 Pr luet iItegular Monitor Uubsewfptom 1 iy ye~8. The wednemday ilus ne oi, 6 uuh.*4.50 - l o temgsine sectin*. 1 . elirri 15 the, Ici am 8 , r....e ...... . . 85 I - - - nn fl - n n n - n - nnn TRONIZE Four eries, on the always tiniely ubjects of travel, self -help, research and agriculture, which wlli keep you up with modern living. Send Cdoupon Et once. THE' .CHRISTIN SCIENCE, MONITOR.: letDrW daDaily Nnnpag, OUR4AD VER TISER.S hffa1ztk Wea*u< 0F MARTHA W EAT HE R.E.D COST MARTHA WEATHERED SHOP In the Drake Iotel WEATHERED 1MISES SHOP 950 N. Msichigan