thé vvilmette Garden market which the club voted to sponsor at the February meeting. The Evening Garden club of Wilý- -mette. will1 also sponsor the market and plans will be made by the two clubs for the place, date, booths, and committees. Mrs. Elliott Youngberg will represent the' Wilmette ýGarden. club end Mrs. Charles R. Norman, 'president of, the: Garden, club, will appoint a representative from the evening club. Mrs. IHarvey A. Bush is chairman of. arrangements for the. club's day at the. flower .show, which includes a tour -of the exhibits aud a lunch- con. The show lasts from April 2, through April 10. At the meeting, March, 4,ý Mrs. Bush, wiIl have charge of the pro- gram. The speaker will beý Christie J. Whitlock, and the subject, "Table Setting andi Flower Arrangements." The talk will be'illustrated. ... Assistant hostesses wiJl be Mrs. C. E. Wells and Mrs. J. B. Olwin. Treosurer York, who gves *twritten reports of her, r ead ing to, each one visiting ber: bo o th. To Young people» she tells what voca- tions -their unes indi-ca»te they- should follow, and Mrs R. W. Halles to older people, what avocations. Mrs, W. W. tae.ris comfmittee is to meet 'Friday at 9:30 o'clock. at the ýclubhouse-with the whiteý ele- phants the members have collected for the White Elephant booth-and make.plans for decorating the booth an d pricing, the -artieles that some have scorned -and others. want. Mrs. W. K. Yates, in charge of, the popular tea room, at present writing, doea. nct .know where ih.r teatom, with its tea-leaf readings and for- tunes by cards, wili be located. Her committee is to meet as soon as the location is determined, to work out the details of decorating, serving, and the like. 1Mrs. L. W. Becker, Jr., Mrs. Vic- tor E. LaFave, and Mrs. Robert Bacon, in charge, respectively, of t Food booth, the Candy booth, and the Nut booth. have their plans well brancn store of iiattstromi & Sanders at. 1119 Central Avenue, Wilmette, 111. Ail former patients' prescriptions have beeni re- tained,,aud le hopes that lie may continue the higli standard of workmanship and. service to you that he bas established during the past four.years. WILLIAM GREENWOOD,. MOOREý I. Prescription Optician IL 119CeatraiL Avenu., Wimette, I Pho>ne Wihett. 1214: sheds ligkt on, stockings things that will please and only things that will please, ini the grab- bag in ber stand. Words fail even Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman, chairman of aIl of the club activities, when it comnes to describ- ing the Gift booth of Mrs. S. D. McPherron. While she was talking to us ber doorbeli rang and a dozen beautiful plates "in the Mexican manner," and two inverted glass bowls for flowers were delivered. a J'- I lias a position with the Standard Oil opens anth Ie price tag wiIl remain conipany., Another recent guest in the saine. the, Thale home was Mrs. Thal e's, The compitteeg want the public to uncle, Dr. Fred Sparks of Ponca be pleased when it buys and after City, Okia., whowas in Chicago for it buys.- the 'Dental convention. Mrs. Edward'L. Lange's luncheons exclusive with Stevens in Evansion EDGAR A. STEVENS, mnc.. Evagision