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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 36

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I %.. - . The eigh.t guilds of theé \-omaif ship tipultionauxiiary of the Church of the Holy Çomforter wiil hold their regular Kappa Kappa Gamma. soror- luncheon and sewi%-ng meetings. next it soffering for the. fourth Monda% , Mrs. Wvthe Wafker. 944'Michigan conectie yarS1500ingrd-avenue. .Evanston,, will èentertain the uate. fellowships; vial to Whitehouse guild, and «Mrs. *'E. W.ý anv woman student tiot more Uhiema-in. 162 ýFuller lane. i, ta than 30 years of age wmho has x"Iii. entertain the members of -thé receved orwil reeiv beoreSeabury guild. reccved or illrécive Thee Griswold guild will mee th next. July, her bachelor's de- \IrsL. D. Smith. 708..%aceati avt- gree ,f rom an institution. in nue,: Kenilworth. and -the Anderson which a chapter of the wNomen's guild with NMrs. Fred. Harwood o; the fraerit isloatd.Homestead in Evanston. fratrnit . i locted.Mrs.,. J. R. Murray. 433 Cuinnor The $1;5W0 is divided into t h ree fel- road. Kenilworth,. will be hostess to ýIowships of $500 each, which are the members. of the William, White awarded regardless of fraternity or guild and Mirs. Jesse Trump 'of 415. noo-fraterrnity membcrshipý. During Cumnor roaci. Kenilworth, to the, the three years Kappa bas given memfbers of the Chase guild. The them, two have. gone. to non-,\fcLaren ul xiinîeetwith r. fraterni.ty women, one of whom wa*s Robert Sherritt. 714 Ashland ave 1n ue.. aided îor two years., A third went IoWite, and thé StewNart guild %vith a member. of Alpha Xi Delta. as Mrr. Louis 1). Ji.nes. 325Rcmod Althought there is uno tip1ltion azr,.ad. Kenilwr"h. to the course of graduate study or : the institution in whiclî it is to be pnrsued, the applicant for fellows.-,hip is expected to explain definiteiy what ber worjc is to be and the use she intends to make of it. Character, personality. and. ability a testimônials, as well as scholastic and R extra-curricular history of the stu- dent, must accompany ail applica- Of tions. i Application blanks are. availabie in the Personnel office of Northwestern Ni university, in rare of lirs. Ruth~ Mc- Catu. They must be in the hands, J, of the Kappa feilowship chairman by Ci Maci25. Of Fellowship holders this year are ai Dorothy Gies fron. the University of Michigan, who is doing research of the feminist movernent ini literature at the, University of London; Annette Dods 'of Objo tate -who is'studying personnel ph3rho1ogy at the Uni-,. versity of. Pennsylvania,ý and Paula F Bassett, speciaiizing in juveifle court work at the New York School of So- cial Vork.. Birtbd.ay Celebration' Adinnerp -t as given Sundài- kt the Armand H. Peycke home,.2440 ?aleigh r oad. Kenîllworth, in honor fithe birthdav of Robert Huif, hc sa student at Lake Forest acadeniy. Ir. and Mrs. T. 1). Huff. Nir. and ifrs. Neil Iluif, and NIr. and Ms R. Huff (J anc Ptzycke) of Siou~x itIowa, who vvere housegue,ýi- fj the Peyckes for a few days. wert mong the .guests. MayQue Balfour Photo M4fiss Ruih Coale, 607 Orchard lane, WVipinetka, fi presideent of Si.(-' Mia clzapter of Delta -Gammia 'soror- it%, at Nlortfizzesterpî inics Which' zÀ,41 hold its annuaýl, part y.' "NqtClti." mi Saturdav. March 5at the* BAl Tq1'ari,: of the Çhir- S. A. E. Moihers to Grive Evenfig Bridge The Sizma Alpha Epsilon 'Mothers' cluib oi Northwestern universitv vill entertain the husbands and friend's of members at an evening bridge party Fridav. February 25. at the. Levere Memnoriai temple. ini Evanston Reservations for the party, wh ich heginç at 8 o'clock. mnay be made by alumn, and friends of the fraternity, by c?.lling any mnember oi the com- mittee. Mfrs. Tan'pý C'harnman ofEvrtn and Mfrs. C. 'M. }{owell of Chicago are the co-chairmen~ They are as- bis Year WiI11Be at the Bal Thbarin ",Night Club," one of the larg- est, gayest, and most popular of the season's soôcial évents. slpon- sored bv Sigm-a chapter rf,:Delta Gamma at Northwvestcr In, is an- nounced for Saturday. March .5, at the Bal Tabarin of the Sher- m an hotel in Chicago. Alwaývs greatlY 'anticipated because, ae-, cording.to the committee. "pIrac- tically. everybody on campus goes and has such a grand time," the party this year promi.ses to be as pol)ular as ever. Dancing, iii start at 10 o'clc.ck« with -the Colonial. Cluti orchestra playing, an(l ample entertainment bas been. plapnud for theé pleasure of guests through! the hours' until 1. For the floor show; M,%arjorie Bsh-op xiii act as mstress of cerenmonies. Marciel, Lvdick, star of Waa -M U show two years ago, bas consented to do some -si nging: jean Stocks' wili give an acrobatic dance-, jean Arrm wili dance, and thé Delta Gam- mna chorus composed of Elizabeth 1-aler, Louise Noble. Kay Ware and Eleanor Clark will contribute itq share toward- livelv enjoyvment of the eve- ning. Frances George, social cliairnian of the chapter, is in charge of ail plans. She ha.s actin.g on her committee Louise Noble, Amy Starek. and Betty English. jean- Arms is responsible for tick- ets. xvhich are on sale at the sororityr house, on campus and by all mnl- bers. Proceeds.will go to Delta Cam- Ma's Sigma chapter scholarshio,,fund. Every ýeffort xii be made to reach those desirous of tickets. the sale of v+ich'as een verx' active~ forsome lays. The committee insists there is lo question of the return on in1vest-. nenits In Ibis particular evening of, i Eect Officers Lambda nh2wDtc Connecticut Alumnae -Meet- The Çhicago chapter of the Con- necticut Coliege Ah*mnnae associa- ion held a luncheon meeting at the Vauar House' tearoomn Wednesday, Febrwy 23. netka n'as scected Mlay cjueepi, to be crowned Ilav 7, when the col- lege holds ils ilay part y'iii coei- nection with Mot hers' wveek-end. Mrs. Sidney G. .Wellbeloved of 459 Locust street plans to go to M- wcauke for that occasion. Louis Schmidt, other prizes. M rs. Wr. G. Olson.in chairge of cigarettes and cancly. Mrs. Henry Ciingman is chairman o! the ways a nd means committee for the league which is sponsoring the event. The Sigma CJhi Mothers' club will meet at the home of 'Mrs. A. W., Withrow, 1115 Ashlanid avenue-, iI- mette, on Monday, February 28., Lunicheon wi be served at 12:30 o'ciock, anid, in the afternoon bridge xiii be played. . George; A.. Green of Evaniston i1 be the assistant WILMETTE LIFE

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