Sp'ri n g. CIarm i n Bolero Hats $5.95 The sma rtest thing in t he world to wear with your new bolero dress or your new. Spring suit for the wide roll of a bolero is distinîctly new and subty V fIaltering. At- Ieft a bolero. rolled breton of stitched navy taffeta. At the rght an off 4he- face bolero- roil of fel-. GCabardine with "Patent for iîew bêgs ini the Mo derate Prite shOP. th em and se J ust look at their lent workmanship, perfectly charmir There's .something very Spring-like and very new about a bag that com- bines a bright flash of patent leather with gaba rdine. We've illustrated two of th~e very newest -and smartest bags-top, a very casual and very roomy top handie, boftom, a verv 3. the pert lttIe bolero is reversible-wear eih-ler the print or the plain sde out. The print is mal-ched with a wde crushed girdle. $10.95- EDGAR AST NS Inr 1'A Crriq,~~Â Evanston Boleros especial pets of Paris and, at -Iess than $15 instep,, r tom, a h and puný navy