HEAD Henry J.: Brandt Points Way to Solve Future, Overcrowding at New Trier Establishment of a high schoo'l for Wilmette. was proposeci this week by Henry J.. Brandt, 816 Forest avenue,« presidentý of the * village's :board -of education. T -h e s3uggestion follôw- * ed the 'announce-, ment' ast 'week-of- S u p e r i nitendent MatthewP.: Gaif. ney, of New Trier Township H i g h school 'li t hi n w h o s, e district XVilinette lies, that within a few years th e prescrnt plant of the schoolIH .Bad %vould be inade- H .Bad quate, and that somne provisions must be made to ac- conimodate students ini excess of 3,000. The school niow has 2,500 pupils and is growing at the rate of 100 each year. Mr. Brandt endorsed the statemeut Group of Residents Agitates for Buffer .in Northeast A rea .More than 50 residents throughout the village are circulating a petition, under the direction of the Wilmette Home Owners association, addressed to the park board, asking tba:t body to create . a buffer zone between No Mian's Land and the *northeastern' residential portion of the community. Plans. of the Home 'Owners, under' this project, caîll for the creation of a Park on the Wimette side of, the unincorporated ,triangle' similar *to Mahoney park, on the, Kenilworth side, to complete the enciricling of the business area. "A park as a buffer zone- between any business and resid ential section Ieads to. the best - levelopm ent of each by the el imination of 'twilight' areas and the îoning problems they entailps a statement issued by the organiza- tion tIiis week stated. "The Wilmette Home Owners as- sociation is working toward, a united public opinion for action on the many problems of the residential property owners in Wilmette. As soon as we have completed the present project, we shall start on the problem of residential property owners in an- other section of Wilmette," the statenment added. MODEA TOR iL' E. C. Howard, 318 Oak Circlé, ueiil act as moderator at the Towa Meeting to be held by Wilmette Civic league tonorrow (Friday) at noon, ini the English room of Field's retail store. The subject to NEXTSUJJEUT Pr op Osed Revision of Wilmett.i Ordinance WiII Bi Discussed This ffCIdayý Tomoriow (Friday, February e5) the Wilmette Civic league will bring- into the open for discussion one of the most contr.o- versial subjects that have, inter-. mittently o v e r -a number of yrears, engaged the at- tention of Wil- mette citizens. It is this: "Shahl the Wilmette Building ~Ordinance beRe vised?" The oc- casion is the monthly, luncheon R. M. Johmsto meeting o f th e league, which will be held ini the English room of Marshall FieId's downtown retail store at 12:~15 p. 1u. Building Commissioner W illîia m A. Wolff whci! be- - cause of.,da il1 y contacts, with the: iiey, hQwever, suggested as alterna- tives the establishment of branch high schools in the township or the crea- fion of ninth grades in the elementary .Schools, Mr. Bratidt proposed that Wilniette withdraw f rom the town- S.hip school district entirely. 1actory Methoda "Educators universally agree," Mr. Brandt declared, "That children of 13 and 14 .years of age are not welI served and that their chance for character developmetit is, in.- many )ur*ing the coming Lenten season the special niid-week services at St. John's Luthetit --jlrch, Wilmette, and Park avenues,1 Wilmette, will be hield on both Wednesday and Thurs- day evenings, at 8 o'clock. 1The addition of the service on1 Thursday was. found necessary to accomniodate the members and the rayothers who wish to attend Lenten services ini which the passion history is the chief feature. The same sermon wilI be preached on both Observe Men's Day .at Baptist Worship Sunday, February 27, will be ob- served as Meni's Day at services in the Wilmette Baptist church. This observance is one of the features ofj the Silver Jubilee celebration of thef church. At the regular morning serv-c Wm. Wolff Johnistoni, realt forum will foliq ers, in which given for the jwill presenft the, subject. He will be followed by L. M o rg an Yost, 'architect; W il1,- liam C. Huggins,' builder, Robert M. r. The usual open w the above speak- cpportunity will be xpression of opinion graduating class, in 1 901, had twc> night À students. Last year's class numbered Par more. than 500.' viUagei Proposais to add'a ninth grade to Thç t he grammar sehools arebeing studied tions. Vi in Winnetka and Glencoe.' 4th ef t wlmoel te the. curb is projibited amy place in the. tiame of day or aight. department has instructions to enforce 'the above regula- ns wîill restait in arrest. rereen vviet F VIL V JIAV délegate to the Cook Col of the American L 1eW*nn. tNO, o. *as, linty -council BY BOA