______________________________ IJ*agI, as weJI as meC tI4LC anaU na- Jtional dental association, and of IDelta Sigrna Delta, dental fraternity. . . .. . .. . 7In later years he had made -his home Dimods in he R,vinia. 1-Mis wife passed away abot, a year and afao d SILV RWARE Funeral services were toý be con- ducted this, Thursday afternoon at, 2 o'clock at the Church of the Holy Coniforter,, Kenilworth, by the rec- tor, the Rev. Leland Hobart Dan- forth' Burial will be later. Dr. Barackman is survived by: two brothers, Guv B., of West _Orange, [t'a aiit t t. be aginithe -candidate 0f thé oppoini polItétcl prty-bcteore îta(ter election. ire asmpport the Jman *Who won, even if our own moan lot. A nation gocu tomd when 11l the people pull together with confidence in the gormient. If thisi.s fot done after any electioin. local or national, our progrcees in pro. perity is alowed up. Ail things donc by a public servant are ot irrong jiat becaute w. didn't vote for hirm. Regardle.. of yoiur politics or the .i-or of your hair, werc he7e in l,,îineis I aake, it profitable for YOU to trade was a president of the Illinois IAssociation of Insurance Agents, and at the ti me of his death was national councillor of the organization. He took a promin Cnt part in the passage *of the Illinois in .surance code at thé. last _session. of ;the state ge neral assembly. Funeral- services were held on Tuesday afterno n at the. Graceland cemtery chapel. Surviving are his widow, Mildred; a: daughter, Mrs. Margaret Camp- bell:; two brothers, Robertof Syra- cuse, N.* Y.; and Philip of Chicago; and by two grandchildren. N. J., and lJr. W..G,,. of Phoenix, Ariz.; by two ýisters,' Mrs. H. H.lNlsC alsM cee Beckman, Long Beach, Calif. andiM rS-.1LJals ice t Mrs. R. A. 'Ferguson, of Strecator. Pass-a tHome Mirs. Charles, J. Michelet- passed ýLast Rites HeId for away on Saturday "morning, Febru- ay26, at. ber residence, 1028 Sheridan Mis * ia D'CUvîs, $ ua, Wilmette, after a short illness. _Niss Ann~a Davis, l-0.5'Micîiigan She had lived there for many years. avenue, Xilmette, passed a wa y She was, a pioneer resident of the Thursdav of ast week; at the village, and until incapacitated by a lEvanston hospital on her 88th birth- I serious accident some years ago, day anniversary, after. an extended which confined herto ber home, she illniess. Itook part in many community activi- She was born near Oneida Castle,1 ties. N.Y., and had resided in WVilmette' She %vas a charter member of the since 1915. NWoinan's Club of Wihnette, and a She is survived by an only sister, charter member of the Delta Gam- M r ,. M. Alice Shnable, withr whomýi ma M.\others' club, and -'as formerly she made her home, and by four active in the *Fort Dearhorn chapter nephews, Fred and Frank Rîven- of the Daughters of the American burgh, Barnes D. aund Earl P. Revolution. ... ýe th settleu. ini 'onnecticut in 1653. .Bth Funeral services were held on Sat- urday at the Scott chape! in Wil- mette with interment in the East. ). m . RREST MTRS Street Charles McAdlam of ,Waukegan, U.00s.00 afternoon. when, he .was picked up bv' Officers William Schmidt and John Henrickson, who booked hini on a charge of- drivîng while under the influence of intoxkating liquor. Evýelyn Michelet;C:harless J. M ichelet, Jr., of Racine; and Mrs. Dean Trax- ter, of Evanston; and by a grandson, Dean Van Petten TraxIer. Funeral services were held at the chapel of the First Methodist Epis-> copal church, Evanston, on Monday afternoon. Interment was at Mro, Lea(0 )rrs Return Fro 1 iWilmette poot 46 wishes t., correct tihe àntbouuceme2a con-ý evmmg the apgituieut off its delegate t. the. Cooki County coun- cil, which wa« erroneous1y stated in Iast, week's issue of WIL- METTE, LIFE. William 'J. eom. mer, 1420 Maple. avenue, is the offici aelexate of the. Pott, and R. C. Forster, adjutant, is the. ai. 'ternate," it w" aarted Monday oveains by Pott Commander James Rk. McCime. The. *tory in, Iatweek's issue of tuis uews- magazine t. whicii Mr. McCue referred and which'waa attrihuted ýto him -was, submitted by Eugene Ward, 72,7 LUden avenue. ..John B. Boddie, 1730 Forest avenue, legisi 'ative chairman, of the Wil*mette post of. the Amnerican Legion, will be in charge of the next .m eet intg, held Monday eve- ning in- the 'Ma- - sonic temple, 1010 * Central avenue- beginning at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. B'oddie, it was 'announced, will discus. thé. uni'versal, service - bill and other leg- isiative measures of a similar na- ture now pending 11. ~ Kh~. before 'congress. Village Presi- 1324. dent Harryý Clark Kinne, 12 Elrnwood avenue, will give the principal address, of the. eve- ,ing, and will tell of the activities at the. village hall during the past year. HEALTH NEWS Prom Headquarters Wilmettc Health Centër, 905 Ridge Road end 4 Dr. ecnt t noysm eep s - a'. -*" 'nmu4s svai commit- rtnt. oeuo oee tee. A check for $1,9()o was deliveréd Liing.to* Mrs. Theodore B. Sachs, execu- tive director of Chicago Tuberculosis M~rs. W. A. Figueira, 4-11 Laurel institute, representing the amounit enue, had as her. guests last week realized by the Wilmette Christmias rs. Katy Jordan and Miss Cora scal sale. The total amount will be ce of Saugatuck, Mich.- slightly above.that figure.. G. A. GOESEL CC 27West Madison1 »uIl oia Lr ..Ure Si kfuyafu aa wwwww uww- UokbOeel cloes. Ibir deMit fer g.od witbin a f.w deys. 9 ti