1508 Jorvls Avemue Rogers Park 0118 399Iroudwoy Buckingham. 2M i ' ake FOur ~ F o r deilousý cakes. fethery lht end digmestL7 :ble- Package- Commodore Teai Our own brand and ail fragrant, savory, doudcous blonds. Orange Pékoe. Japan or G noder. Tea> et fret relà iAVMl. >urcfsae. /2h49C /4b 25C RitE cr.iekes, 22 U.dorworid elock, sean So.p Se'good and>s nuaishlngj. iar e hi wilth whipped creame chopped egjg, parsiey Or wator- j , cros-.fin * 5' Fr.sh. and crisp. A perfect loup or salad, Course accompani. Clovernook Catsup TOI serve wt pget and cheose or sither fresh or canned fsh- foulds Macaroni or pgef I 'w.29c, 2f« l5t Rib Roast of Beef There jusf iin'f any finor, juicier, more tender aged boof thon this-SmalI-.- lb.- < p 6fh and 7th Ribs-b.-26C3 c CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK. Umne of flics. steaks broilod fo a turn, French fries and new gr'een beons mako.à perfect dinner--IL.37Jc FRSI4 GROUND B1W. lFor a savoiy beef te serve eitheu hot or coJd. or for "hamburgers"- PORK TENDERLOIN. No wasfo, &Il meat, andl ail ready to bread, and fry- IL 19C lb. 39c PLATE DOILING BEEF. Mâes such doludous soup or such a good boiled difner- lb.i IL M c SLIcED BACON. Siced.ft ou liking from tI. poce 3 i~s. 1.00 eENUINE FILLET 0F SOLE. The'real ofi ah3c light and fioky and fries in no fýime at al- I Laige Size Avocado Pears Ripe, doudcous, ready to serve on +he half s hoîl with Frenchi Dressing, end plenty of Wator Cross, or in combination sleil--2 for PINEAPPLUS. Ripe and jqicy-A woelcomo change for breakfast or dessrt- 4m Good, foo, combined wtth rhubarb- STRAWSEItRY RHflIMIS. Large, meaty sfalls-TIe lind that2 > needs no peeling and eos eY quiky- lbs.295 Grapefruit Sale PlIck you! favorite fro. hs and varied types. Pink Seedless-.Wifh that orange-like flavor-4.-dz attractive. buys Texas Seedlesa-Règular arify -Easy to 'prepredoz. 590 5 for C Large Siz. Regular Grapefrit-For extra large segments for S'alad or for '> broiled fruit--doz. 79C 3 or 23c geou-euy fr 1 Large Size Florids-2 oranges2 059 moake a gonorous lsfi 2io.59 CALIPORNIA NAVELS., Mediuim size-Sweef and,379 doudoudm,, 79voë.o . GREEN BIANS Stringless verlety-So full of lavor andl 'o 151 Park ALL ALONG THE MA RCH 3, 1938 1$ M Sread StIcks. in amy for. or style- dsLI7c 27ç 3.9,. doz. 49C 33C