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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1938, p. 28

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tlepOt CENTRAL 33J5 S .PEiYEAER SINGLE COPIES 5 CE~NTS s and contributions intended for publi- e nmre and 'address of the author, not lication, but for aur files. Such material or b>' Tumday. noon to be i time for. TH E BLOCK CIRGLE In several spots in the New Trier villages there bave: been formeti what is: known as, the "Block Circle." The idea is' so gooti and the purpose so commendable that it should enjoy a quick, anti ex-. tensive growth that wiil include every. block, in every village. The 4'Block Circle" is an org an.ization the memi- bership of wbich is limiteti to residents of.a. given block. Meetings are usually heldA n the afternoon, with womien forming. the larger part of the gathering. The purpose is to cultivate a neighborly spirit, civic loyalty, and an increasing interest in the affairs of the village. How well. this bas worked ont' is dernonstrateti by tbe close relationships that bave been clevelopeçl andi the closer frientish ips that have been formeti. When a newcomer nioves into the block and ba-, become comfortably settleti, the famnily is calleti upon by meinhers of the "Block Circle" and given an urgent invitation to attend its next mneeting.ý This serves to break tbe social.ice anti leatis.to a. quick acquaintance with the neighbors. The meetings theniselves are decidedly informaI. Discussions are carried on to the tempo of flasbing needies or crochet hooks, and include everything froni recipes for delicious desserts to churcli affairs and what the Village authorities shoulti do about this or that, duning the course of which acquaint- ance progressés in many cases to friendships that will last as long as life itself. The spirit of the "Circle" spreads also to the heads of bouseboltis, anti wbule they nay flot par- ticipate in the afternoon sociabilities, repercussions reach them andi are spread as they meet in "gasoline alley" or chat in neigbborly fashion over the back, fence. The 13Block Circle". is ,Soô splendid a vehicle for the upbuilding of community spirît .tbat it shoulti be adopted on a broati scope that w ill eventually include ever family in eacb New Trier village. bas been an unfailing follower of the anization anti at the 1935 anti 1936 istently opposeti permanent registra- . He is out of place ini the Senate.. Cxratb, representaive (Dem.), 4157 In four decisions hanie~d down Monday the United States Supreme court indàicateti that employers andi nonunion or comrpany union workers have rougli sledding abeati. That a tiemanti by a union that a- employer coerce bis employees into joining that union constitutes a labor dispute anti gives the National Labor, Relations -board junisdiction is something quite iew in' constituâtional. law. mut rmeadthe.e d lhe current, issue. The cartoonists are often to be thanked, for startling information presentet ini startling way. For instance: "Auto deaths in Anierica since 1923, 441,912. Aniericanis killeti in ail wars since 1776, 244.357." Looks like the time, bas corne to slow tiown. TRE PHAmTO REPORtTER. e f-'re: she diti earnest and effective work in the com- iittees dealing with educational andi municipal iroh- lems and showed ability to express ber views cleanly in debate. Mrs. Van der Vrier bas won general recognition in the House as' a dependable andi valu- able legislator. "Frank E. Foster, representativie (Rep.), 15544 Looimis avenue, Harvey, lawyer.1 Is entiing. bis fourtb term; while he, was nio tidentified ti h uch important legislation he was. active.. i icommittee work, especially in the Judiciary Committee' .andr the >Committee on Industrial Affairs, and occasion- aIly, made bimseif heard on the floor of, the -House: his record wvas* creditable." luI the' Democratic prit.nîary Seilator Baumirucker is a candidate for: renominatioi. He is h eit g 0f)- nnsed hy Ralph E.. Sinsheimer. 935 Sprucc street . Winnetka. On the Republican side Frank E. Foster is bidding for nomination to- the senate. his opiponettheitnq Arthur J. Bid-well, .1403 Boninie Brae, River Forest. For represenltative Mrs. Vani der Vries and Mr. ýMcGrath, are seeking. renomination.- Other çeandi- dates on thé Republicani side are Arthur W. Sprague. of La Grange, William F. Propî,er of ¶}otton, andI Frank P. Cowing of Homewood. THE SUN WON'T SHINE Amember of congress whorn we tielighit in quoting at times because lie cani talk sonîething other thanl politics is Everett M.f Dirksen of the l6th Illinois district. He recently said: "March 15 is a funeral day for several mnillion people. It is the deatiline date for filing inconie tax returns. It is the day on which Uncle Sam takes his share of the net incoine for the previous year. Per- haps one reason why payment of this tax gripes -the taxpayer is that lie çannot see, feel. hear, or experi- ence wvhat lie is getting for bis money. In the case of- local taxes, one cani sally forth anti look at, the :bridges, policemen, firemen, streets, anti schools that he gets for bis money. In the case of the Federal income tax, the benefits seem more iremote. Somfe wit bas suggest etiprinting the income #ax blank l briglit colors bearing cartoons of G-Men, battl.esbips.. PWA projects anti the like to make the tax .More pialatable. Tt bas even been suggesteti that premiums be offereti sucli as a f ree ride on a submarine for payment ini full on the due date. Whule these sug- gestions are facetious, it migbt not be amiss to sug- A suggestion to metropolitati newspapers: Run a story about the giant pandas at the Broolcfield zoo, and if possible print a picture or two. (The. rhymne unintentional.) Oiiinous sigils'forecasting a war are appearing,, andi to disregard them is to play right into the hantis of the enemy, -whoever hée may be. Here are two of the more portentious signs: In -a Jaèc- sonville (Ill.) hospital inie boys were born in two, days and flot a s ingle girl. 'The same. thing hap- peeti di n a Springfield (Ill.) hospital. Furnishing canion fotider for 1958. But if they keep this, Up, wbat will we do for those captivating nurses that inistil.i into. woutided doughboys a. strong desire to live? "McXutt reports to Roosevelt,.' reat a recent heatiuine., Whittle vour own ,wbeeze out of that., Good-bye, Senator Dieterich! You wvere, a gooti old administration hack-horse-while you1 lasted. You "gee'd" and "haw'd" with alacrity when the Big Boss commandeti, neyer presuming to ask the reason why. Youir vote made Barkley majority leader of the senate. Voit went into the last ditch to pack the Supreme court. Youi jumped through every hoop jim Farley helt ini front of you. You were some ptumpkins-whi le y ou lasted. Now you are. through., and it's the. political boneyarti. for, you. without even a headstone-except your sena- tonial record, and what a monument that wolilrl he!: It must be tougli. Seniator, :to be kicked into oi tical oblivion hyb Ed. Kelly and Pat Nash, butyou mutst look on the bright sitie anti get suicli latigbs out of. the situation as ,you may. ,ILet yotir nind dri ft back to the tinie %%hlen President. Roosevelt woultin't stop ini Chicago because he tiidn't want to be seen with those, two birds, and maybe it wilI ease your pain. But anyvhow. Senator, good-bye. Vour goeis cooketi.** OfficiaI assininiity ,could sink to. no d.eper low thani was achievedi recently by those ini charge of. relief. in i Milwaukee, Wis. :A yug opl esr to get marr ed The girl was« on relief, and the boy, bésides haviig n job -and no means of sup- porting even hliiself, hati not been ini the state long enlougli to be eligible to relief, Ill the energency the kintily disposeti officiais agreeti. to take care of themi until the Noung matn coulti qualify as a 6'clienit." And then the legal 5-day wait was abrogateti so thev coulti iaýrrvil, a hiurry. Only a second mate on a -.river steamiboat cati speak the language neces- sary to express the disgust one feels at sucb silliness.

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