evening at the Stevens hotel in Chicago on March 7, according to an announcemient madle by Mrs. John A- Grant of the Woimanys Library. club.of Glen- coe, garden depart.ment chair- muan of the, Tenth, district. Charles Sait of Michigan City; nd, a. graduate, horticulturist of Ohio State university, will speak at 10 jo'clock;, following the opening of. the show at 9:-30, .on '*The Living Soil1-Its Modern Care" At 10:45ý o'clock Frank Ysel of Lombard. is to talk on '*The History and Cultivation of Lilacs." A leture, "Illinois- Chrysanthe- nxums," illustrated in: color, will be given at Il :30 by Mrs. Rose Dasum- pour, and ai 12:15 awards, for exhibits. wilI be Made. -Governor Horner or a representative from Springfield. will tell about the Rural Home Beautifi- cation contest and the prizes t. be offered to the winners at the Illinois State Fair of 1938, at. the 11:30 o'clock session. 1n the afterinooni J. H. Burdett is to talk on 'Nov.lties" showinig colored photos taken in Calîfornia. 1-is lecture is at 2:15, and at 3 o'clock Miss jean Murray will tell about -Indirect Lightinig for Gardenis." ThIe eveiiing prograti will openi with miusic at 7:30 and wiIl featurei Tolof Photo -Mrs. Kenneth Wilson .of 35 Lin- deti avenue, Wilmette, is a memtber Of the av=or board, of the North Shore axlry of the. Ch icago Maternity ce>ter which has formu- lated plans for. a dessert bridge and fashion shouw at Shawnee Coù»try club on Varch 1-5. Mrs. W'ilsont is a formier presidentfl e a4.uxil- îary. Mary Crane Chapte 'rs Plan Sewing Meetings The Clara Belle chapter of the Mary Crane league is meeting for a onie o'clock luncheon and sewing tié ,tnc n TnsAav. Marh 8. '1the JeLt. 1 i 8 Wi III Uol euAai 0 -.av by a- style show, "Ho-%%. to Wear Flowers Correctly." 1The show will also feature an ex- hibit of arrangements of wedding an- nliversary tables, sponsored :by the. different districts. Prizes will be awarded for the miost. outstandilng. Directing the plans for the show is, Mrs. E. G. C. W%\illiams of Danville. thie state gardeîi chairnian. William Tell, Evanston, Mci the inorning. hostess. At will work on mer camp. 2404 Ashland avenue, >nday, Marcb 7, at- 10 in Mrs. F. L. King is co- this meeting metubers sun-suit s for the sum- For S. A. E. Mothers naturel 'powd.r bNu. appi. grn» Corel the. most wearablecirest in the world.. York she. was met by Mr. Kalinka, In WeSt and thèy visited Philadelphia and Washington, D. C., before reacbing ý Mr- and Mrs. G. W. Kibby, 835 here by airpiane on Thursday. Miss Lake avenue, lef t for California by von Mazaneceplans to visit i Wil- train on Wednesday. They will be mette two months and when she re- away about a month and will prob- turns will take her mother, Mrs. ably spend most of their time in Los, Auna'von Mazanec, back with ber. Angeles. I silored of soit kasha -in a gloi (listed above) and in sizes 12 to EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. colon' 'I \ -1, Evanston,