W auneras 3185. - Seasoned Fireplace Logs 50 CU. KT. TO A TON, $7. 128,CII. F'T. to,,a cord, $14. Giencoe 858. WANTED: TO GIVEOI KONTrHLY service on aetu of books. AUl state- menta, tax reporta filed. Reasonable rates. Biackinton. Wilmette 847 FIREPLACE WOOD FORý SAL. 88 per ton, delivered. Rates on large quantities._ Calil Highland Park 3948. 15L43-ltp OPTOMETRISTI 35 yrs epelence. Eyes tItted propcrly. Bâroken = esreplaced, trames repaired. JOSEPH F. KUSS 804 Elm St.m Winnetka 3671 17 agitnàRL UpAsàINS Wilmette Fix-it Shop WB Fix. A4NYTHINO. PRADIOS, ELEC- trical appliancea, door belle,, bouse wiring, ýetc. Pricea very -reas. AI! work guar. 1830 Centrai, Wilmette 1330. À .1 BUILDING AN4D REPAIle Remodeling'& Modernizing PLANNED AND EXECUTEI3 ]Bt SOMEONE WHO KNOW8 110W Add a bathroom or recreation room 1temodelirlg of entire- home Al under one contract. 13y competent designer and builder> P H A long or short terme arrangcd L. T. McGINNIS-20 years on N. S. 1343 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 50i64 FLAGSTONES Beautlful Stonae for Rock Gardons BRl~ICX AND CEMENT WORK* TUCK IPOINT114G ]EL HARTWELIs WINNIETKA 2864 Carperiter - Painting -Deeorating Plastcring. Remodeling and additions. Repaira of ail kinds. Nelson B. Place. Wilmette 4181. PLASTERING REPAIRS, STÈUCCO AND.CEMENT.. ]Baseniet work. G. A. Thýursby, Wil- m ette 387 LN42-4tp E. V. HOLDING, CARPENTER Builder. New Homes 0 .... Un"n l. a.. Remodeing ; '.enox-ai l.eIpai 7th Street' Wilmette. 14M ind Cail us for a fre,. estimat.. Joseph Zach Wilmette 1925 I. SKOLNIK. COMPLF2TE DECORATING SERVICE. Wall washing & starching; paper elng. Color matching and touch-up work reas. Lowvest Prices. Any saise job. Refs. QUALaITY WORK ONLY.-Wite 4288 DURKOOP DECORATING -SERVIiCE 1Glencoe 1807 K. L. Durkoop~ Sheldrake 5132' C. W. ANDERSON PAINTING AND) DBCORATING Reasonable prices. Wilmette 4621. O. DURKOOP Painting and Decorating 325 Washington Ave., Giencoe 1512, LLOYD B. WAflNER DECORATING SERVICE. Intelrior and exterior. Quality work. Est. free. Edgcwatcr 4991, Sheidrake 7120 JOHN UEYNE AND, SON Pain ters-Decorators WIIY WAIT, WASHING WALLS AND painting donc for haif price. 50% dWsount for March only. Phone High- land Park 2851. 25LTN43-2tp me CLOCK REPAIRINS LOUIS BORCHARDT Watch, Clock and Jeweiry Repairing. Estimate free. We caîl for and deliver. 606 Dèmpster Street Phone tUni. 0824 SI DRESSMAKING MISS M. BOLAND Dressmakirig. Aftcmnoon a.nd Evehing dresses and coats. Made or restyled. ReferencOs. WlImette 1527 SPRING DRESSES, MADE TO OiRDER, $3.50 up. Also suite and coats. Reasonable. Your home or mine. Furnish machine. Wiimettc 4348. M. R. ANDER SON SPECIALIZING IN Wedding Gowns and Party Dresses. Winnetka 2574 464 Winnetka Ave., EXPECRIENCED D E S 1-G. NËE R--A ND dreesmaker. Also aiterations. iYour home or mine. Work fast and efficient. Gre-enleaf 1142. - 31LTN43wltn) TRY US F I poultry, strt smoked bacon, 2168. Isabellal RADIO SERVICE FOR $1.50 You Cari Have an Expert RADIO ENGINEEIL CHECK YOUR 1set and antenna. Perfect reception de- mands a well. kept set and an occasion- al check Up by, an expert will .Prove nexpensive and lneure the beet service from your radio. Lee S. Fectcher Winn. 2454, 68LTNý42-4tp RADIO,,SERVIC Complete radio- check-up- $1.50. Inour modern, conipieteiy equipped radio Iaboratoryr. Why guss--our instruments are accurate trouble finders. CALL WINNETKA 687 G8L;T243-ltc. 69 REPAURINCi AND REFINISHING The Village, Wood $hop Opp. Wiimette Postoffice, Wilmette, 3484 Cuetom-bUlt- furniture. Expert1 furniture repairing and refinishing,. Antiqjues pa specialty. Canin,L.rushin%, 73 BWtme UAc"N fREPAIRINQ 81-EXIPERT GUAR. ADJUSTING. Ail makes. Also rcpairing-c--leanlng. Reconditionirig machines, $8 up. Buy & cxcii. Milien Hardware. Wiim. 3060. 73LTN43-4tp GUARANTEED SERVICE Sewing Machinies, Vacuum Cleaners and Radios. Ail Makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRIC SERVICE 607 Dempster St. Uni. 6680, Gre. 7177 73LTN38-tfe 73-A BEWING MACHINES WHITE ELECTRIC CONSOLE FLOOR sample, $59.50. Singer drop-head and electrio portables as low as $15.00. Cieaned, oiled and adjusted, $1.50. 1114 Davis St., Evans., University 5525 * 73A-LTN43-4tp 3 LOST AND FOUND Lost-Child's Glasses IN CASE WITH NAME, DR. PERAU, Washington, D. C, Reward. Glencoe 894. 3T3t PFOUND MALE FOX TERRIER Wilmnette 3430 ENGLISH BULL-DOG' MALE, FAWN AND WHITE. LOST Suday. Reward. Winnetka 42. 3LTN4 3-ltp 40ST SMALL BROWN SILTC PURTSEl mis MI5bIKVNJ± Piano Instruction for 18, ycars' study* wit N -S. Country Day - Raàtes reas. 675, Black netka 623. iscfl of MSIUC. âthrd ., Win- ~top47L43-ltp PIANO LESSONS IN YOUR HOME. 1Exp. teacher. Grad. N. ýU. Sehool of Mdusic, Ail North Shore towns. Chul- dren or adulte. Arthur W. Hagen. 2754 Prairie Ave., 'Evanston. University 5057. lemRREArioN sHomme AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Swimming. dancing, boxing, horseback ridîing, outdoor play, tripe of interest. 1 te 6 days per week. PRE-SCHOOL CLASS; Haîf days and full days. Staff includes registered nurse. Outdoor play écm- phasimed. OVER NIGHT SERVICE Chiidren cared for by night, week or. season. Transportation te school., PHONE FOR DESCRIPTIVE ýFOLDER 822 Michigan Ave. Wilmette 1068 Outdoor Recreation School Betsy N. Shapker, Director llth Year 48LTN43-ltc- 199 musicAl. INSTRUMENTS STEINWAY GRAND PIANO; STYLE* ".B," fine cond., for sale at réas price. lTew at log bouse, 1258 Scott Ave., Win- netka, Sat. and Sun. momnings, 10-12, or tel. Rand. 1857 for appt. 59LTN41-tfc Five grand pianos, 1 Steinway upr., 1 Lowboy upr., 1 Spinet; bargaine. Storage Mart, Iredale Storage, 1723 Benson, Evanstot. FOR SALE;. USED BABY GRAND PIANO. $150. IN GOOD CONDITION. CALL WILMETTE 3046. 159LTN43-ltp- WANTED. - USED GRAND ]PIANO for cash. Phone Sheldrake 5797. S9LTN41-4tp STEINWAY GRAND PIANO, MUST seli, $195 cash. 6512 N. Clark St. 59LTN41-4tp WILL SELL MY> STORY & CLARK Bjaby Grand, mahogany case for $25.00; cost',$1,050.00, 5. yrs. ago, beautiful case, excel. condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. L. P. Bull, 690 Greenwood Ave., Gece IWILL VVII. jvq cunt on 1 ~Oieaï moUe VV 1.~. tlJ service and dealer, "Bi tATOR North Shore "E, IIENCED, EXPERT' 907 Linden, Ilubbard W< -Kenilworth 5217 5y Sh( Winn. 1 w1~ Dun iJTAX ~IOn Wa near Glenvicw. A 2753 81LTN43-ltp I