rvice. This establishment provides every facility for service, while main- taining the, quiet, peaoeful atmosphere of a refined houle., Here the relatives may be with their loved one in. even greater comfort and privacy than would be p'ossible in the. residence. And on account of the eficiency iW promotes, we are able, to offer' our patrons î-t use-. of the: beautiful establishment without any addition to our moderate. charges. WILMETTE 118GRÉENLEAF AVENUE Ph,., Waimtte 654 LADY ASSISTANT DE LUXEý AMBULANCE ýSERVICE 30 YËARS ON THE NORTH SHOR E< .WINNlETKAý 554 CENTER STREET Pholle Winnetks 404 fer: Wlter âcou fart K B, 811C UUN lIANE KA30 WILMETE 83 ASNJP RUTES ructioîn, Physical Ileges. AIiNUAL t04812, Girls $10. Mien $14-28 Evanstwî' 3reenleaf 7400)