deaths and injuries to cmîudren ui elementary sehool age, but how it also is training children in safety habits tbat tbey retain al their lives will be described by George Sims, memiber.of the club safety and traffic engineering department, who will speak. to the Cen!- tral-Laurel parent-Teacher association îiext Tuesday. evening. As an example of -tbe success of its elementary. school campaign, 'the motor club points out that as a. resuit of the traininig the cbildren. bave been ýreceiv-" ing silice 1922, more than 4,000 lives have been saved in Chicago.alone. . This, demonstrates co nclusively that there are' proved metbods of ,teacbing children to form sound safety habits: at an early age, habits that remain a part of the cbild's character ail. bis. life" Charles M. Hayes, motor club president, explained. Sale Pedestrian "'And if the child'is to survive mod-, ern traffic conditions, lie must bc taught how to be a. safe pdetrian while he Mr£. H. J. D*!ynebl, 512 F~ifth is young in order that be way become street, Wilmette, chairman of thse a safe înotorist wben lie grows lup. Juliette Loto fund of- the local Girl "In view of the appalling loss of life Scout coiamcil, uill direct a Party due to traffic accidents which daily take ,narking thse 26th annsversary of more than 100 lives in the United t/se foundinig oft/se .lrst Girl Scout States, there is certainly nio more val- troo p. nexi Saturday ai ternoon at nable training to be given a child inl the Baptist c/snrch. T/se Part y will school than this education in soutid follozk a prograrn marking t/se oc- safety habits." caison. "Parents must share with teachers the responsibility of teacbing cbildren1 ah ro iret to b saetyconisciôtus, "Mr.Hae at rof il te tIbe safeIy%- 9.aaàe%@as Sp..ared by gbld bp tues. 'loal ' toes: QEO. 13. WIJNEE, Mie. ]RAPP BitOS. OCUST hMà KE *il, v... Bay B&t 10w n tiAve. St. Patrick's Day l . Speçial ..............QT. 1 Nw York Ice, Créem 9 with Cherries: ..I..... 22 Mr..Sims will explain in detail tbe lotor club plan of safety education ,hich includes .tbe school safety patrol [id the distribution of safety posters nd safety lesson material to more than 5»0 class rooms in Illinois and. In- iana. School safety patrols are iix.ow es- iblisheci in the majority of the schools iboth states.- Menibers of. the patrol itheir white Sam Browne- beits,, guard Park, on reoruary Zat the age ot 83 years. He was active in the business circles of Chicago, having been asso- ciateci with the R. W. McCready Cork conipany for over 40 years. That concern was later taken over by the Armnstrong Cork conipany. He retired 10 years ago. He was one of the earlier settlers Of Rogers Park, having môved there Fraternity President At an election of officers held Mardi 1, Elmer Erickson, son of Mr.. andi Mrs. B. Erîck- s on,, 215 Sevenl- te enth street, Wil- mette, was chôsen*I president of the Kappa Deuteron faneiro, the islanid of Uranada, 'La- Village hall at 8 o'clocc. Villagers Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ruf and tain Venezuela, andi Jamaica. are invited to participate iteds hi oGogwowr nCee Urs. DeLaCroix is now at' ber cussion of the present economic land for five months' returned to laughter's home in Wilmette. situation and, particularly the "Re- Wilmette a f ew weeks ago and are covery Plan" now pending ini Wash- now living at 1405 Forest avenue. Mrs. G. C. Perfitt, 112 ,Slxth ington, known as H. R. 4199. On The bouse was formerly occupied by treet, spent a week ini South Benci Mardi 18. the club,'wIll hear an ad-' the C. C. Hendersons, who moved riiting her daugliter Mrs. Curtis dress by Ray Webb.- fromn national recently into their bouse at 163() For- qyden. beadquarters of the, organization. est avenue. thNieceine10t rtit bvrbe enage, s ell as te avé Cicag Symphony oreas t*a eivalcaor Childreons ochrandfeAtiappella« chir Tw grtcorusalorksae scbeduled to be given Hoônegget'.s Le Roi David," and Brahms' German, Kenilworth salesof course tickets for the festival will be bandled by Mrs..Aniderson Owen, chairman and Mrs. T. Roswell Coyne, corchairmaft, together with Mrs. George Treadwell, Mrs. Shirley Ross, Mrs. Glen Ham- mer, Mrs., James, R. D. Stevenson, and- Mrs. Donald La Chance. Committees in Glencoe, headed by Mrs. Dwight Orcutt and Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt. and 'in Winnetka with Mrs. Ernegt Van Ammnon and Mrs. William Sherman Hay are being or- ganizéd. T1ie Wi1imette group wlth Mrs James G. Shakman, chairman, will be aninounced shortly. The largest committee for thesale of the course tickets is now working in Evanston under the chairmanship of Mrs. John C. Slade with headquar- ters in the Nortbwestern Festival as- sociation's office in the Georgian hotel, Evanston. Witb the assistance of Mrs. Raymond C. Cook, Mrs. f11-' I r Smith andl Mrs. Norman J, IltY Cuu.d hr .9 s