The store room, which bas been, tboroughly renovated and renodeled, presents an attractive appearance in its new coat of paint and its flood. of daylight, 90 essential to the selec.. tion of fabrics and colors. Evening shoppers wilI choose under a fine system of indirect lighting zwhich brightensevr corner of the store. Following modern trends, the fix- tures consist of very few glass cases, the ne-mer ideas of merchandise dis. play runnig to tables. -The windows afford ample room for effective dis- play. Wide shelves occupy the ýeast side of the roomi while a large dis- playý of dresses ýoccupy the wesi, side. At the rear is tbe office, fitting roomn and. other conveniences. New stocke Brand newv stocks of merchandise are being received daily, and while these will, probably not be complete for the opening on Friday, they. will be sufficiently extensive to afford scope for satisfactory selections of Mr. Worthen states that the stocks will for the present be limited to dry goods, notions, linens, hosiery, usïderwear, blankets,. leather goods, costume jewelry, cotton dresses, and> other women's lines. Sonie lines of nien's goods, such as ties, hosiery, and beits, may be added later, Mr. *Wortben said. F9ATPDMITY IMITIATE moffett Photo Cajtin Bdward Albert IEvérsr, com- manding officer of thse naval train- ing viessel, theeLi. S. S. Wilmette, senior oller of thse navY's. Great Lakejs quadroi, and commanderof naval reserve activities in Illinois, who lives at 1020> S1iridJout road, Wilmette, lfrt lsti week for San Pedro, Cclii., to rep>ort 10 tthe cons- ,nondeir ins chie f of thse United States lier:, Admirai Claude C. Bloch, for duty during thse coming baffle prob- lem. He is to go aboard one of the battle- hips of the fleet, probably the U. S. S. )klahoai2 to observe the maneuvers -fraternity last fail and the ii ceremony wâs- hted following1 mester examinations. Hess,i Dr. E. F. Hess, was graduate( New Trier High school andi a freshman in the college of arts., Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Rod and their three daughters, N, Lucille, and Angeiné, moved rt itiation Vmayia a U uringin ut5 a: aius the se- will commlfanld the Great Lakes squad son ofon, which includes a number'of gui' d, from boats, submarine chasers, and yach isno patrol caft. liberal For the first time since the war, ther wilbe guninery exercises on the Grea Lalçes, with the U. S. S. Wilmette beini lkikdesignated as the firing. ship duriq dekr short-range battie practice. NIondas,1 Cautain Evers was accompanied oi 1,l, ALKA SELTZER For Systm MAlluilnty eft, Dow George Sinus, meuber ofthtie ,saoit nd traffic engineerinsg de, Partment o! thse Chi cago Motor club, will be thse seaker t a meet-ý ing o! tihe Central-Lourel Parent- readier aisedtio«.n et. Tuesday Fiday of this week the auxiliari holding a card party at St Josel school. j udge George 1Rothermel, 335 Ri avenue, Kenilworth, is ini New -Y opn a businesstrip this week. Me Monday and "Il return on.Saturï -W. AmeN InOur 169Y2,SHERMANAVENU),E, 41e Designer and Manufacturer of Fne Furs and Wrap. i POftMËRIX Of 161 'I4ÉUANAV9NIt VAM&OU P"In