ikridare BIB P-- £sU.rn Il mB.New 0. AMerlos oseyen. e. 4M hooes aow. hi -type 11-cyndr mma me m 1>Ifswflh Io w8UAW «peuple. AvaUshi.la' 3 bo& ye-oie fuvtiTudor fBaisMda mai Pr dmit. Tm. here a choicet 18colora t'ae«eh bodp type. DIELIYEREDIN WILMETTE THÉ NEW THRWPTY 016rCOUPE $57i00 8OUJPMENT INRUDD The delivered, P ices for ihe'Stawdard -WrCoupe andl Standard "gr 'Téd.. Sodau ilusira9edainlcludé gransPortail.u cha rge0S. taxes and aili e f .11,wlug: 2 bunpe% w 4 bumppi tuner&*-Spare wheel, tire, tube,mWelaI4s ., .3 vihno type bore* <14.' fthter ,M4e»h If.' Mime à0laee - *Speedo.,ste iil chesdlt lbosoms, nidi ledi- Stor onlIstruent pu"a mlt4aluttisecouart- mnt, wth lo.k.. NEW STANDARD "85" TUDOR SEDAN low-pnce field!. W -J LOW-moe 1 FXLD *.MIOVED rmtwifnherie* on alt*M. o AND IRE-StTrLED VOR 198SFi8 X . z-J 91-