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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1938, p. 14

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-ector, tee ati il p There are extra celebrations of the hoiy communion on week days durlng Lent, every Wednesdsy at 7 a.m. and every Friday at 10:30 a.m. The guild meets-each Friday lu Lent, attendiiig the 10.-30 a.m. service ln the church, and iunchingin-the parish bouse later. A union churchmen'a dinner for the men of six cooperatlng congregations. will Le hbeld in the English Luthierani church, tomorrow, Prlday, March 11, uat 6:,30 p.m. After thedinner there will' be :an ýaddress by a noted speaker. Charies Dahueke la arraugiug for a delegation of men from St. Augustines. Tickets must b. procured from hlm Le- fore the dinner. The womnen of the guiid are invited by the women *Of the CougregationaI guild to a meeting «at the Congrega- ti&nal church *lriday, March 11, at 2ý p.m. "«A Peace Program for the Uuilted States" w111 b. the subject'of the meet- mng. First Presbyterian Ninth treet at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, minister The moruing worship service will Le heid at Il o'clock, The. minister wili preach on' the theme, "Day of Reckon- ing." We invite you to worship with us. The musical program for the moru- ing service Wi11. be as foiiows: Ôrgan nr- àp, Chn Psorl" FDubois:nro Rounds is director. The Suixday school nieets lu ail de-. partments at 9:*30 ocIock,ý under the generai superintèndency of Lincoln The Bible classa meets at 10 o'clock for study ln the chapýel ami dInvites you te: join them lu the study of the Book of Revelation. The. Pastors class for those who wish tprepare for church niembershlp wil nueet at. 9;30 o'clock. biembership ln the. Auxlary of Peniel Comapunty Center may Le bad during -Me.rch from Mi'.. Pritchard, 925 Pawnee New fmpbers will Le received Into the. cbprob 1-e 2. A large group lu ex- QFieý»oufsIon of faith' an'd1 le emi # o*h*r heý ,orhes. The This .church wiIl cooperate ln the. Union Lenten Evenlng service which begin at St. AugustInes Episcopal church Sunday-evenibt, March 20. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. WIllett, ministée Dr. Willett'as*ubject for Sunday, March 13, will Le "Our Duty là The Present World Criais," the second of a series of Lenten Addresses. The church servi lu t il o'clock. 1The muic for the church service will Le as follows: Organ Prelude- Jesu,. My Friend ........Bach Choral Prelù«de-If Thou But Sufer1 :. God to Gu Ide Tbee ..... .......Beach Anthem-The Cross ...Harriet Ware Offertory-Andaflte ...... Br ,oie--Wbither Shal I Go. ...Br from T1Iy Spirit? ... MacDermnid (mins Rickman) The Worneù's Gulld will jneet Mon- day, March,14, at le o'cleck. Theworký of the gulld is. for the benefit of goed causes. ln whichi the women ,of the church and, the. comnxunity are 1In- terested. Ail women of Kenilworth flot otherwIse engaged on Mondays are ln-' vited to corne In for as nigoli t.Iieas they can spend. Beglnning Sunday, March 13, Dr. Wiilett will have a serles of talks ln preparation for Easter, for members of the Sunday sciiooi. His subject for the ieries wlll be -Why Do W. Have the ifferent Churches ?" The Sunday sehool wilI meet at 9:45. There are classes for eilîdren between the ages of the kindergarten and the- bigh school., Visitors are welcome. *Us ?"-'by Smltest Thou Me?" You re Invlted te sharè ln the entire serv- ýe whlch beglus with the Organ Prel- le at 10:45. The special music for next Sunday iorning will Le as follows - rgan (10:45)- "Praise the Lord, the' Mighty .King" .., Karg-.Elert 'Andante Cantabile" (String Quartette) . Tschaikoveky Marie Briel toit-",%nctus".. ....Marie Briel ,nthem-"Wbereso'er Thou Walkest' Priske Howard Berhaiter and Choir Theta UPailon Riio, for younir peo- pie above hlgh school age, willl neet. Sunday evening at 5:30. Tii. Chorus choir meets for rehearsal this eveniig (Thursd4y) at 8 o'clock ln the Junior room, undêr the' leadeÈaip.- of Miss Marie Eriel. 1 alnew. volces wer p4e t th ~qolrmemberahlp clety Il. 1 No]l Tlhe. High Sehool Epworthi league will: present a play, entltled d'A Ready- made FamllY," tomorrow evening (Fr1- day) ln the Great hall at 8 o'ciock. The. public Is Invite&. The Fitth division wilil meet Tueeday, March 15, at 10 o'clock at thehomne Of Mrs. -w. EULndblad, 720 Greenwood avenue., The Sixth' division will, meet Tues- day, March 15, at 10, o'clock at, the homie of Mrs. -W. N. Waidner.' 1046 Greenwood aYenue. The Slxth.divisi1on Is sponsoring atour of the. Abbtt Laboratories on Mareh 28. Tickets 1include luncheon., lecture. and transportation. Phone Wilmette 1126 fer reservatieris. A "Fond Fashion !Revue". (cookiug school). wil l e sponsored by*theB Second and Third 'divisions on, March 22, 23, and 24 at 1150-Wihbette 'avenue. A Union Churciimen's dInner wiil be held Frlday evenlng, P4grcb 18, nt 6:20 r'elocëk lu the English LUtheran church., Dr. Charles Allen Clark of Korea will Le the speaker. The men of ail the ehurches of Wlluette' are lnvlted te. bear bis story of progresof Chris- tlanity. te find its secret, and te applyý its challenge to WIlmette. Lenten Nnon-Day services are. Lelng, held from 12:10 to 12:30 lu the Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington street. The Rev. John G. Hindley, minister SUNDAY SERVICES Church echool...... ... 9:30 a.m. Beginners and primaries..... 10:50 a.m. Mornlng worship ......... ýil:00 a.m. Kappa Pi Phi ............:0p.m. Mr. -lndley bas chosen 'The Joy of AWakened and Changed Lives"* as bis sermon theme for tii. rrornlng wersbip service. The mornifig music will Le as follows: Organ Prelude- Priere a Notre-Dame . Belmann Anthem- "ILest lu the Night' ... .Chrstianen Unioni Even 1Ing service, St. Augus- tine's church TUEEwOMEN'S GtJILD The Joint meeting of the Wemen's Guilde; of six Wilmnette churches will be held ti!, rlday, ln the Congrega- tional chureh at 2 o'cloek. Mrs. Laura Puffer Morgan will speak on "A Peace Program for the. United States.-' Mrs. Morgan. bealdes Ling -very active lu many peace organisations, la man au- thorlty on 1'wonl -organiszations, Lb. -Burge and Mrs. H. A. LgaiOY. sors.. Gale brooks will review '-The Land, Of Saddle Bag," by J. Watt Raine. pARgLOIt LENTEN SERVICE The first 0fa series of Midweek Par- lor Lenten services wiIl be' held this ev ening at 7:45 lu the church parler. The ministér's theme. for the evening wil Le "The World's Need 0f Faith." Theise services are sponsored by the. Board ofDeacons. Members and friends of the church'are c<rlally lnviteq 4to corne and worship with us at this hour. NAPPA PI -PHI Tii. social commi ttee of the Kappa Pi Ph! ls sponsoring a treasure hunt this Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The yeung people will meet at the church and ýwii be divided Into groups. Any. who tan are asked to bring ca rs. Ami Heigason wiIl show his colored movies of Iceianid to the young peoples group Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. Ail youýng people of hlgb sehool age are urged to corne and enjoy the fine pro- grains that arebeing held. Games and refreshinents will follow the program. UNITED IMEN'8 MEETING The men of the six Wilmette churches will bold a banquet, Friday, March 18, at 6:30 o'clock ln the Lutheran, church, Thea men of our congregation are urged to attend. BYRD MEMORIAL Byrd Memerlal mnakes a collection of old newspapers, magazines, and any kind of paper on the second Monday oyf each month. The women of the. church are asked te keep this date In mmid. Wilmette &s$tist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George ID,.Allison, pastor Tonierrow (Friday> there w ill be a luncheon te Pres. Earle V. Pierce of. the Northern Paptlst convention, at tihe Centrai Y. M. C. A.-, 19 South La- Salle street, 12:30 o'ciock. Men ef this church are Invlted to b. present. Also tomorrow .(FPriday) the Reciproc- lty meeting Of Wilmette'church women will be held at 2 o'eclcin First ýCon- gregational chut-eh. 1frs. Lanra Pufer Morgan will bring the miessage. Tea will ,be Fserved. Oueweek frorn Friday, onMarch 18, Th1e zestful participation of 50 niany ln the musical Ieadersblyn of worship la enheartenlng. Adults iiet on' Thursday evenings and Juniors ou Saturday morn- Inga at 9:30. Miss Kinch will receive a few more lu each group. On Saturday afternoon Ôf this week, the Girl Scouts' party wlîll e held lu tht. éhurch from 2 te 4 ln the after- nolon.. I

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