Groip, of' stude ts tvho iil Presenit "Clarence" by Booth Tarkitigtoit at Newu Trier Higi: school Friday afternoon and ýeveninsg and Satùrdaýy evening of' iiet.teek at the school auditorium.t Seated: Carol Johnson, Ralph Radlin,' Barba ra O'Grady, Peg Thoimpson; standing: AI Graf, iBi Bricker, Mary Jane Clark, George Pttnam. , Mary Cratiford, Dick Snyder. Fat/wr and Son Dinner Slated By Boys' GrouP A fartber and son dinner will be given Thursday evening of next week St, Patrick's day, by the Tri-Ship club of New Trier High school, boys' organiza- tion, in the schooi dining hall. F. Donald Frisbie, instructor ini social science, is facuity sponsor. "Batters Up t" motion picture of Amierican league basebali recently coin- pleted. under the direction of Lew Fonseca, former manager of the Chi- cago White Sox, wiiI be shown, and ML Fonseca is expected to appear in person. Principal speaker of. the evening wil be Harry Stuhidreher, football coachi at the University of Wisconsin, ind former member of Notre Dame's "Four Student Acta A iumber of student entertaininent acts wiil be presented. Members of the club are in charge of the reierVa- tions which will close on Tuesday aft- Trie r Trackmen» Win Three-Way Meet With Rvanston, University SNew Trier High school's track teamý, varsity and freshman-soph- omore, won a triangular meet witb E va ns to n and University High schools Iast Saturday afternoon at Indian Hill. Varsity scores: New Trier, 79v'; University. 31; Evanston, 8V2. Fresh- sopb : New Trier, 411/3; Evanston, 35 5/6; University, 19 5/6. New Trier won aill but one first place in the varsity meet. Gray- green victors include ' Russell Mon- .roe, 50 yard dash; Kim Brown, high and iow hurdies, with Bob DeVinny a close second i the lows; Burton Anthony in the quarter-mile; Don Cushman in the haif mile; Frank Sublett ini the shot put; Tomn Carney. high jump; Jim McFadzean,, broad- jump ; Bill Roberts, tied for 'first in the pole vault, and Roger Dailey and Hei-b lVcQueen with Anthony and, M~cFadzeaù. in the relay. The. Suburban league indoor meet Japanese Woodblocks to ' Be -Shown -at New -Trier An exhibit of, original woodbi ocks inade by Japanese artists will be hung for'the next 'tWçw-eeks in the main cor- ridor;of New Trier High schéol, under the auspices of the art department., Thoroughly experleuced, would like to ipake a coupoctlop am superintendent (flot gaÉdener) of private, estate or club. Best references. Formerly with Na- tional Park Service. Aýd-dress: A. M. KEEGAN, DELAVAN, WIS. The. FAR-M SCHOCOL Sanders Roed WANDA For Inforrotioa-TI.phou. GIe!ç9 928 IF YOU WANT THEK lEST CAMP Experience for aBo THE O)WAKONZU CAMPS UN CANADA& Director "fluke» CIiids, Âtlletlc Director Wew Trier Righ Seiaool the following casts for the tnree per-etAG formances: .Saturday Friday Aftermoou' Snyder, Bz Friday inatinee:,Jane Bigneil, Bill er, Carol McNitt, Barbara O'Grady, Cornelius Ralph Ra Kennèdy, Carol Jobnson, Jane, Hamn- George Pu iloRalph Radlin, Mary Jane Clark, Goodricb. night: Jane Bigneil, Dick 'bara O'Grady, Bill Brick- [ohn son, Peg Thompson, lio, Mary jane Clark, nin, Paul Lang, Vir-ginia toboggan gsud., tc. "Seeig 1, beIievit#g." 'W. can brin& the sm-p rightit. y- hoe .wiek the. camp movies. Write W. L. Cuids, 350> Wiam.tli. Ave., WIMMtsgIi, t,Iephoue Wincetkm 2977. g ........ .......