nelly, former scored five goals in the Chicago, as chairi mittee in ýcharge. of the CO The scbolarsbip caries comiplete tuition for four years, provided the inner aintains a high standard of work and conduét, and is therefore the equivalent iQf $1,00 in cash. Candidates must be nomninated by the principal of the school "which they attend, and selection of the winning candidate Will rest with. the alumni association. subjcct to the, approval of the admissions commnittee at Rens- selaer. Nominations wilI be based on ýhigh scholastic achievement and qualities of leadership, The scbo.larship winner may take any one of the following engineering courses: aeronautical, chemical, -civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical,,me- tallurgical; or architecture, art s, sci- ence'and business administration, bi- ology, chemistry, physics, Trailinig 4 to 2 at the -end of the haif, the Shawnee. swimtûers un- leashed an attack in the final 'period that. overwhelmied the Independence Park paddlers. The, Shawnee club finishes its schedule in the north section this Friday 'with -the Portage Park tea fu.rnishing.-lie opposition.. nerica raduate ieacners, college. "6The Nursery School Teacher as a Personality". Kindergarten section: Miss Mary Gilliesi, »rincipal,. Onahan school,: Chicago, "Group' Activities and Personality Developrnent", Pri- mary section :- Miss ClaraBelle, Bakerj, National College -of* Educa- tion, Evanston, "Language 'Arts". In- termediatie*s e ctio n: Miss Madi Bacon, m ursi c supervisor, Glencoe BENEFIT DANCE public schools. ,Th e Chicago Council of the Leagu These. programs,, at 10:45 A. M., for Labor Palestine atnnounces te Saturday, March 12, 23rd floor. Med- completion of plans for a dance to iCal. Arts. building, 185 North Wabash be b eld at -the Covenant club, 10 avenue, are planned for the. element- North Dearborn street, Sunday eve- ary teachers ofGreater Chicago and n ing, March.20, at 8:30 o'clock. The for ail other friends of childhood League' for Labor Palestine works w'ho are interested in, personality with' the Histadruth, the most active growth.. organization for the upbuilding of Palestine as a Jewisiihqrnmeland. Its to bring its niembers into closer con- program includes cultural, education- tact with the actual pioneering work ai, and social activities, and endeavors now going on in Palestine.,. among ,whQm were Ef.. . cIlraitn of 1127 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette,-and W.,E. Richmiond of 165 Kenilworth, avenue, Kenilworth, The A. S. T. E. has its national, headquarters at Detroit and is- or- ganized for the purpose of keeping factoryý executives and shop foremen abreast of development in the field of tools,, factory' and shop equipment, production methods, and to promiote a. national fellowshîp among en- gineers of this field. -The annual convention and exposi- tion of the society, wihich Mr. Ives is attending, is being held in Detroit this week. PARENTS 0OF DAUGHTER Mr. and, Mrs. Carleton L. Banker, 810 Lake avîenije,; Wilmette are par- ents of a daughter born Saturday, March 5, at the Evanaton hospital. They have named the baby Dorothy. LAE RA VA CATION FRlaf! TRA4DITION! T HE new Lincoln-Zepyr V-12 reflects the Lincoln habit of quality, is built the Lincoln way -yet it, bring8 ita own. newnesa and, distinction to the medium- price field. Once you take the. wheel behi*nd lit V-12 engine, you'Ul revise ail your ideas of performance, ýof driving case, of riding comfort and ail around motoring contentment. Asic your Lincoln-Zephyr Dealer to let you drive tomorrow's car-todoy! IDE L 1V UE 19 9 1N TUE NEW LINCLN-ZPHYRVŽz