Is. Cuost of Honor at Numerous Parties. Several friends of Miss Mabel Throckmorton have entertained recently at parties in her honor, and stili other affairs are plan- ned to precede her wedding. to Robert Cýhaffee of Cica'go. 'Sa urday, March 19. The Rev. Le- land H. Danforth %vill read the' service1 at 8:30 iii the evening, at the Church of the Holy Coin-, foirter, in Kenilw,-ort. The bride, daughter of the late M\1r. and Mrs. J. M. Throckmorton of Wilmette, wil be.giveni in marriage by her uncle, James. G. Eider of Win- netka,,and- the -wedding reception wil be held at the Eider home, 135 Church road, where- Miss, Throck- morton bas lived for the past eight years. The recent parties have included a linen shower given by Mrs. C. E. Brandriff of Evanston, a kitchen shower at which Miss Betty and Miss Virginia Taylor of Winnetka wýere hostesses, and a personal shower given by Miss Ruth Wachs of Win- netka and Mrs. Robert N. Allen of Evanston. The bridai dinner is to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Eider at their home the evening before the wedding, and one of their ,guests wiil be the bride- groom's mother, Mrs. Grace Chaffec, professor of sociology at Iowa State college. *1er son bas, asked William Drakeof Chicago to ýbe bis best man, and the ist of ushers includes the bride's brother, John Throckmorton, and Frederick Butler, James Carry, John Hennessy, E. H. Wayman, Jr., and Samuel Stewart. M~iss Mary jane Eider is to be ber cousin's maid of honor and only attendant. Af ter their iarriage,% Mr. Chaffee and his bride will leave'for Nassau'. for a three weeks' wedding trip. The personnel is now announced of the cast made up of niembers of the High School Epworth league which is presenting, without. admission charge, and for the public, "The Ready Made Famiiy," Friday of this week at 8 o'clock. Begonia Washington wiîll be playeëd by)Barbara Ripley; Nicodemus Pipp, by Robert Matson; Mariiee Martyn. Su- zanne Sutherland : Robert M,%artyii, Rob- ert. Elmer;, Gracie Martyn, joan Mc- Cleliand;- Doris Turner. Ma.,Irgaret Ilorsting;, Sammy Turner. Robert Dor- man! Agnes Martyn,. Marcia Smith, He nry Tuýrer Richard Murreil; Lydia Martyn, Lorraine Hawbecker. The play., a three-act cbmedy, involves the 'marriage of a middle-aged couple a nd their*respective teen-age children-, the suspic ion1 that each is marrying for, money, and a surprise e nding. The play will be given -in the, Great hall of the Wilmette Parish MNethodist church. To Meet a+ Flower Show The April meeting of the - Wilmettt Garden club will be an ail-day event at the Chicago Flower'show on the Navy Pier April 5. Members will convene at the Pier at 11 :30 o'ciock ini the morn- irlg, view part of the. show, have lunch- eon at 1 o'clock, and continue their tour in the afternoon. Lew Francis Photo Instead of a March luncheon and meeting at the home ' of one of the members, the Skokie Valley. chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu- tionf, whose regent is Mrs. George E. Shipman of. Kenilwôrth,. will attend in a body the.opening aIl-day meeting of the state conferenÉe Wednesday, March 16, at the Stevenshotel, Chi- cago. 1). A. R.' "Briefs" are put on tWice a day, seven dlays a we ek, over WCRW,, Embassy hotel, -Chicago, at .1:45 o'clock, and 5 :30, o'clock, ap- * proximately. Chicago Her Home Tow'n House Photo Mrs. Lymait Perin Gray, thie former Miss Elsie' Knight Wade, is the doughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald N. Wade of 1509 Spencer avenue. Her marriage ho the soni of Mrs. Williamt Thurston Gray of fivaitsto;i took place at St. Mark's Congregafionel. Teea The regular March meetini Womani's society of the Wilme tist church will be held Fniday 11 -&&L f- --e p.- ag of the iette Bap-. ly, ïMarchi nad«, (,aL, for w'ent <o u 07G homeymoon. ierson anu the baby left their home in Pittsbuirgh. las, to join on1 xas by air- are and Mrs. for Sunday for. chc rea ting whiluc ad to sewing r. Members ie niaterials ect and mnav will find a WIL ME T TE LIFEF F.bruwry M#ride 2nU. Baplists-WiII Attend- Ly eve- at the toton.