Musicale and Tes A. musicale tea utider the di- rection of Mrs. Theresa Cookc j Browun, Music chairman of the Federation of .Clubs of the Tenth Congressional d&strict, will be: held at the- Woman's Club of EXvanston on Wednesday, Mardi I& at 2 o'clock, t MÜrs. &Edward J..Lehman, preiden ofc the Iflinois Federation of cei Clubs, Mm rs Lfism. .PigattChair- man of nc for the General Fed- eration of Wome's Clusbs, and Mrs. A"oifG Hffman, -state music chair- man, ' wM b e aznong the honored After greetings by Mrs. William C. Gilbet, president, of the hostess club * and -response, by Mrs. Henry, Rhode, presidéit of the Tenth district, the folowing clubs wli e represented as IlieWomm's inury Club of Geucoe, Mrs. Dwdgbt C. Orcutt. chah-man, will preseut Marjorie El-, lion, composer, anmd Della Cook Clark in a vocal duet with Marjorit t Buchanan as accompanist. They will sing "'Knowing Yon" dedicated to the Wcman's Club of -Glencoe. The Woman's Club> cf Wilmette. Mrs. R_. C Marley, chairman, will be represented hy Miss Clara Maas,ý * pis Iist, and well kown ycung, The Highland Park Womau's club, Mrs. C. W. Scbaaf, 'chairman, will 6e. represented by Mrs. Irving C Schur and Mrs. Scbsaf, who will give a piano duo. The Ken More club, Mrs. S. F. Hantley, chairman, presents.-its chorus under thç, direction ýofMahdàh es league, Miss an, w-ill give an Party on Mardi, 30 Arrangements are being made for 4,000 women to play bridge at 1,000 tables at parties in vari- ous parts of the Chica go, are a on March 30,ý for the benefit of the Woman's. Symphony orchestra.: The proceeds will go, to the or- chestra's -rehearsal fund. AI- ready over .300. tables. have been sold, Mrs. James G. Shakman of Winmette, the chairman, an- nounced at a recent meeting of. the Womfan's Symphony. Asso- ciates held, at the Cordon club. This- "Ail in a Day"! benefit wil be the largest party of its kind ever held,, and those who are in charge alo elieve one of- the. finest. Mrs. Photos by Maleolm Balfour Henry T. Roberts will be chairman., Among those standing in line to receive guests at'the Initiation and of prizes which, she declares, wilI in- Ruion banquet of Delta Cdnma Saturday ft'enift of tkss week at Shanene clude everything froim a corsage Conntry club at 6:30 o'clock. uvil be Mrs. Richard E. Welch of Glencoe, at bouquet to a baby upright piano..ý1 the leit, a member of the committee on arrangements, andMiss Ruth ýCoale The two largest parties plarrned,,wîll of Wi*nnetka, president of the active cho,ter at Northwziestern uiniver9sity. be at the Drake hotel and at Shaw- nee Country club in Wilmette. The« Highland Park party wi Il be held in one of the attractive Highland Park TaIk on Asia Is Junior C. A. R. Group homes with Mrs. Donald S. Boynton. and Mrs. Clarence W. Schaaf col-- Vesa Cl bs flan Hisforic Program laborating on the arrangemÏefts, and Imogene Spoerri, littie daughter of a large party in La Grange though -Benefit Pro'ect Nfr. and Mrs. James F. Spoerri, 2706 she bas not as yet chosen a place IPayne street, Evanston, will be host- for it.. "JBehind the Scenes ini East- ess to the Ji.nior group of William Two North Shore parties wilI be ernAsi'-'%,illbe he ubectof awe bapter, Children of the combined at Shawnee,. one an Ev- *er Asa" illbe he ubjct f W~American R e volIutto n, Saturday, anston group headed by Mrs. WVilliamn .a lecture tô be presented' at March 12, at 2:30 o'clock. A. Ziinmerman and. Miss Julianna: the Orrington school in Evans- The children have planned a pro- Holmes, and the other a group which, ton at 8:15 o'clock Friday even- gram on which Warren Hayward takes in Glencoe, Winnetka, .Kenil- ing. arch 5, bvDr. illiam e a talk on Andrew Jaàckson. worth and Wilmette ,vith Mrs.Jh Montgomery McGovern 0 Zed Reddisch will read a paper on R. Pontius of Winnetka as chairman. the battie of New Orleans and.,Tom- Mrs. Mabee Lauritzen is chairman Northwestern universitv. under my Oliver, in reference to the follow- of the Drake party and among those the sponsorship of the North in'g Thursday, will talk about, St. on ber comnijttee are: Mrs. Edmund Shore Vassar club. Proceeds Patrick, Doering, Mrs. Philip T. Starck, Ms from the lecture will benefit the The following day, Sunday, March O. E. Harris, Mrs. Harrv Winston. club's scholarship ftsnd. 13, the Senior group will meet at the Mrs. John R. ThonipsonP Sr., Mrs. home of Bradford Morris, son of Mr. Nathaniel Leverone, Mrs. Frank Dr. McGôvern has just returned and Mrs. Earl C. Morris, 2606 Thayer Theis and Mrs. William J. Dickinson. from the Orient where he was travel- stet . nsoat 6o'G ok Supper Ms Royden J. K<eith, president of. ,îng on sabbatical leave at the timfe willbe served. the Woman's Symphony will also be the Chinese-Japanese war broke out. Mr.To sC.Ga,24Li-ate fpai orhe raeary During the conflict he. remainedo in Mr.Toa .Ga,24 i-atv-nPasfrteDaepr% China, serving there as a press cor- colnwoo:d drive, president of the WVi1- respondent. He will bring news of liamn Dawes chapter, wiIl be present om ot otif nOT IWenèt tiviie 0suervsethe meig ectors cf the Tesith Dennis J. Harrison of 200 Ninth at 10:W o'dlock, street is expected to returu home Womnan's Club of about March 15, fras, a stay of thrce weessiniPatin Beach,, Fl WILM'rTnLIFE