Players to Cive .Double Feeture On Saturday'afternoon, March 12, at 2 o'clo ck, the. Jaçk andi Jili Pla yers are presenting the third of their series of plays for young people at. the W oman%' Club, of Wilrnette. This, per- formance will be.a real double feature, ivith. two entirel't',dîf- ferent plays. The ýflrst of these wil be "The gic ib àn "adramatization of' thé. well known story by Charles Dickens. It is preçsurnably told by a htle girl of seven, and portrays ber idea of ;a king and a queen and their' huge farnily of nineteen children. Maraa King and Papa Kcing are co n- tinually *orried over rnoney matters and it is only tbrough the lovely Princess Alicia and the Fair-y Grand- 'marina that the entire - f amily is eventally kept from baving to go to the. poor' house. And this is a great relief and causes much joy 'and hap- einess, for whoever heard of a ro-yal 6âmily in a poor bouse? 'The' other play is a dramatization of Hans Christian Andersen's story, "Thbe Emperor's New Clothes." Jeromne Walters, wbo plays tbe emperor in, this production, toured ail around the countrv last winter in the stage show ,Dead End," and be .bas~ also had Latest Equipment at Cooking Revue Manv north shore, women. will be -hurrying abouùt for three suczce.ssive,-inm.oI'r n ing s, this month, Larch 22, 23, and:24. in ,order plot to miss a. single ex-, pert wvord or a deft motion' in the ýdetnonsýtrýations Miss Helen Ky'leof the Public Service co 1m- pany wiIl give,, heginningat 9:30 o'clock ini the exhibition.hall of. the W. C. Huggins, Home En- gineéering company, 1150, Vil.ý mette avenue. Using complete. modern kitchen equipment,, Miss Kyle will mix and .stir and. bak-and -temp'ting foods .will appear as if by magic. -She:will demonstrate new ideas in foods, how to use the equipment with wbich the* modern hotrsewife is bkessed, and how to avoid those disappointing failures that occasionally trouble even the most pain st akingcook. Several local merchants. cooperat-. ing with the sponsors of- the Revue wVill have displays,' and, it is rumored that the value of the gifts and prizes the), will distribute and the foods> which Miss Kyle will give out, in al their finished 'perfection, subtracted:. from thie low price of the series tick-- et, brings the price alniost to' the vànishing. point. Tbe entire cast bas very elaborate and beautiful costumes. Tbey are al Japanese or Chinese, and the huge fans and lanterns which 'the young .People carry add. to the pictures- queness of the production. The play it.self is 'pne of the funniest the« Jack end Jili Players bave ever presented., Tickets may be secured from 'Miss 1Rebecca Fitch,at the Home OwnerS' association, 1155 Wilrnette avenue, or of ii r. and Italan Croups to Meet Jointly, for Lecture, March 13 friends in England today are mem- bers of ail the different party groups. Mr. Duif Cooper. Sir W\illiam JoWitt, Sir Archibald Sinclair, Sir Oswald Moseley , and NIr. John St. Loe Starchev. He %vitnessed revolutions in Italy and Macedonia, and he -,as Reuter'"s Tickets for the Food Fashion re- vue rnav be obtained from 'the two chairmen in charg.e, *Mrs. Clifford Ives or Mfrs.' C. Rollin Smith, from, ans- member of tlhe Second and Third' divisions of the Woman's guild*,of the Wilmet te , Methodist church. -%which will benefit from the project,' or' :at the offices, of the Wilmette Home, Own ers association.-Contrib- Grant of- Glencoe,' or in Simla, India. teson .of 'residents of the two societies,. ose members and guests 'are at- ýding the lecture, are Mrs. Olga C. sso of Wilmette for the Carcolo Iturale Italiano and Mario Pal- nr of Evanston. for the Dante ghieri society.1 WILMETTB LIFBJ r" ces. L cands Arnong