Patronize Pur Advertisers NOCOMMISSION 1FIRsT MORTOAGrI LOANS on, fesid iel royf Ap. - "dComstucfm Dug ed Locafle OI.L. t e.p.dn Wânn.t&aOffice 584LincolniAve.. WvieaetIj.177 1 N. L..bafl S.Cni1227 E, on sale at Chander'. book store ini Ewanston f or a nomninal sum. Tony Sarg promises a delightful prograin. It is not the usual marion- ette show alone known as Tonî Sarg's Manionettes, but a. much more inter- esting and entertaining.evýent for chil- dren wîth Tony Sýarg in personI He of course brîngs some of his 1marîon- ettes, too, and gives. a show on a .smail, portable stage, but it is al.o much More,- for hé entertains the youngsters by. taiking and ekplainan* everything, askîng. themu up on the platform tc> take part with him. He uses them as, models, making deiight- fui and very funny sketches that -neyer fail to piease him audiences oi every age!1 Christialç,Scienoce I services Ma"was the subject of the- les-f son-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sinday, 1 March 6. The golden text was, "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Romans 8:14). Among the citations whicb com- prised the lesson-sermon was the foi- iowing from the Bible: "As for man, bis days are as grass: as a flower of the field so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over, it and it is Muis Lots Fidierton (lf of the community hgh s$chool, st.. Anise, president of tse lilinois associaion- of HSgh Scil Student comscils, wlI attend thse organisations' con ference at Newu Prier High scisool, A pri 1,*2.* Mlini Anis Burnham, (riqht) treasurer, of the state organsation, aisd a Newý Trier studient, weil also take ait active part. Photo .of Miss Burnhamt by Girl ScoutsRoady f0. Celebrate 26t1z Birthday March 12 Saturday wili be a day of celebra- dion for the Girl Scouts tbrougbout the country and bere in Wiimette the afternoon wiil be devoted to an ail-village Girl Scout party. On Marcb 12;' the Girl Scout movement ,wilI be 26 years oid, the first troop .having been fornied ini Savannah, Ga., COMRD Y -j 'Ore '0tosuch as keep fis covenant, and to tih ose that remember bis >com- mandments to do them" (Psalms 103: Thele18).de Th ,lsson-ser.ion also icue the foliQwing passage f romn the Chris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Healtb witb Key- to the Scriptures," by 'Mary Baker Eddy: "As mortals gire Up the delusion tbat there is more than one Mind, more than one God. man in God's likeness ilan †1V cu....W S raluRm... by the shop. Marian Kremer, chafrmaný Note: Economy Shop, 1135 Green- e1 avenue, la an eDterpri» ofnthe Womaa'a club of. Wilmette. cated to J uliette i4ow, tneir toundier, to be followed by informaI singing, games and refreshments. Mrs. H. J. Dernehi, Juliette Low fuîid chairman of the local council, [is giving the party and supervising the prograrn. Mrs. Dernehi bas been active in Girl Scouting for many years and is particulariy interested in the fund whicb promotes Interna- tional Girl Scouting andi national camping projects. i Ç.onger ~gfrfrwa. 1o'clock in temnple, 708 I CO. Wini , March Winnetka street. a o8 a.sonic mi -al t,