Rates- IUMCHRGbE ONIS DOLLILAverage of lSve wrd t t the lins. No blackfaoe type 11*04. »% discount on ali cashab verto- n ments wlien brougt to our Mies at 132 Central Ave., Wimette; 84 Kiocoin Ave., Wlnnetka, or $41 Park,.Ave., Olenco.. 10% discount on ail advertisemonts Fun tour conseoutive Issues. D e a d e f r I s rtio n - ceipted t m e WILMETTE ILIFU or ail throo papors Wdey 9 P. M. for W.INETKÂA TALK and Thursday 6 P. M. for. GLMNCONI NEWS. Tlephonos: Wlimette 480ô, Winnetka 2000 <Wlnnetka 500 afttr 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300> or Ekeifdrake 121&-1217t Il DOGS AND CATSI Lindenhof Training School AND BOARDING- KENNELS. for, ail breeds. Private inand outdoor runs. Heated kenneis. Personal care. Excllent Dachshund pupples for sale. MR' & MRS. WILLIAM SCHAEFER Waukegan Rd., at Winnietka Ave. Call Glenvlew 270. I1LTN42-4tpý DOBERMAN PINSCHER Blackt me,- 1 year oid. Magnificent specimen. Pedigreed; excêl * watchdog and companion. Reas. Wilmette 3164. 11LTN44-ltp, Must dispose of. 4 0nce~, pedigred Engiish Setter pups, very reasonble. 5904 N. Knox Avenue, Chicago, or phone Avenue 6191. 11LTN44-ltp 44 INSTRUCTION TUTORING IN FRENCH FOR TRAV- el, conversation, school. C u r r e n t Frenchlilterature. Group or individual lessons. Blanche Mason Tellis. Win- netka 823, 44LTN44-ltp 47 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION PIANO LESSONS IN YOUR HOME. Exp. teacher. (Jrad. N. U., School of Music. Ail North Shore towns. Chil- * ir.n or* aduits. Arthur W. Hagen. 2754 Prairie Ave., Evanston. University 5057. 47LTN44-2tp 50-A BOARDINO SCHOOL.U LEAVE THE CHILDREN« WITH US WHILE YOU ARE AWAY for a night, a week or a season. Reg- istered nurse. Dietetically planned mealà. 1deal locatiôri. Pre-school or after schooi clubs inciuded in rate. Chiidrefl love it. Transportation to achool now attendiiig., Phone for description foider OUTDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL 822 Michigan Ave. Wllmette 1068 Betsy N. Shapk(er, Director i ith year 50A-LTN44-Itc 87 RUCA ic ESAirtELOANs, MORTOAGE MONEY AS DIRECT INSUIRAeCE COMPANY representatives we .piake *bans* in Chicago Land suburbs at the lowest pre- vailing, rates - frequently WITHOUT COMMISSION. In: other cases. we charge such reasonabie commissions at, mnay be agreed upon. For . leans of satistactory amnounts, and termas at Iowest interest (4% and Up) telephone Dai 2233 (Hoiiycourt 4220inCca go). or write George.T. Coonley, 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 87LTN4 0-ttc FEDERAL HOME LOANS~ LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES. Borrow up te 60% of value. Conven-L lent monthly repayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Deal with a localiInstitution. Full details by Inquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE Mr. Clitton, Secretary 1126 Centrai Avenue Wilmiette 1623 87LTN35-tfe REAL, ESTATE LOANS WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR First Mortgage loans on North Shore property. Interest 4%~% te 5%. joseph C. Cormnack & Co. 1569 Sherman, Evanston Uni, 3353 87LTN6-ttf. * REAL ESTATE LOANS Answer same day. Loans for new build- ings answered and figured in 1 te 2 hours. ;Frank Pavlik, Jr. (Robertson). 562 Green Bay Rd., Keniiworth, 111. Phone 2016. 87LTN43-4tp 92EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES CLAUSON'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY- 1733 Laite Ave. Reliabie service ln domestie heip. Personal attention te ail. Cail Wllmette 1733. 92LTN44-4tp and,,teas'àa go anywhere.i oe111 94LTNq43-4tp EXPERIENCIED WHITE GIRL wishes genéral bousework. $16 to $18 a week. Excellent reférences. Glencoe 735. 9 4LT44ltp COLORED WOMAN WISHIES WORK by dayr or week,.general or laundryý work. Mrs. Jeniny Bauckman, 1701 Greenfield Ave., North Chicago, 111. 94L44-ltp, WOMAN, WHITE, WITH 15, YUS laundry experience will takein vash- ing. Curtains washed and strehed. Cali and deliver. Greenleaf- 7869. 94LTrN44-lýtp EXPERIENCED S CA N D1XA V- ian woman wants cooktug and gen- eral housework in Gentile home. $12- $15 Write B-lie,. Box 60, Wilmette, 111. - 94LTN44-ltp GOOD COOK' NORTH SHORLE REFERENCES. WINNeE'rKA 377-7. 94LTN44-itp COMPETENT LIGHT COLORE15 GIRL .wlshes full or part time gen. hsewk. atnd cooking. Sister wlshes mnorning wyork.to 1 o'clock. Good rets. Gre. 2291. 94LTN44-ltp REF'INED, *MIDDLEAGED WOMAN, Prot. Availabie as home manager or. attendant and companion to invalid or children. Ex. credentials. Gre. 5416. 9 4LTN44-itp EXPERlt.NCED COLO ED WOMAN wishes laundry worit cleaning or serving, Tuesdays, F'ridays and Satur- days. Telephone Greenleaf 1701. 94LTN44-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL Wants day work 3- days a week. Whole or hait days. Cleaniyig or laundry. Reasonable. Kenilworth 4742. 94LTN44-ltp COLORED GIRL WISHES WORK Mon.. Tues., Wed., Pr!., Sat. )Plain' eooking. Home nlghts. Good references. CallJUniversity 4148 after 1 :30. 94LTN44-ltp, WOMAN, FIRST CLASS COOK, PAS- tr&Y, tea room, cafeteria, p rivate home. Young man, chauffeur, houseman. Both North Shore rets.ý Gre. 9237. EXPER. GARD1ENER ANqD CAXWD- taker, (aiso landscaplng) wishes pool- t"on. 0a furnlsh A-i refera. George Q. Anderso'n, .79- Ryan 'Place, Lakte For-, est, Illinois. 9SLTN44-ltp G'ARDENER DAY OR WEEK. LONG EXPERI- ence. Good references. Reliabie. .WIn- netta. 2848. 95LTN44-oltp PAINTING - PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING WASHING WOODWORK by hour or contract. Wlnnetka. 513-W 95L44-ltp, DY EXPERIENCED GARDENER IN, ail branches. By the' day or stay on* promises. Maered. No children. Tele- phono Deerfield 271-W. 5N4-t EXPERIENCED) MAX TO DO GA D- .ening and drlvlng. Good North Shore, references.. Last place 12 years. Phone Niles Conter 353. 95LTN44-ltp HOUSECLEANING A N D EXPERI- encfted gardener. North Shore refer- ences. Call Winnetka 1552. '95LTN44-ltp HOUSEMAN - CLE*2ftNG P I R 8 T class work. Excellent references. Uni. 4392. 95LTN44-ltp 96 enT. wTD.-mALIE à FEMALSL FREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS. High grade heip, ail nationalities. References POSITIVELY investigated. LEt EMPLOYMENT AGENCY r L. C. Ravlin,Mage WINNETKA 132 DAVIS 8116 1631 Benson- Ave., bet. Davis & Chureh 96LTN44-ltp 5 COUPLES A-1 LOCAL REFERENCE. SHORLINE2 EMIPL. AGCY. 746 ELM ST. TELEPHONE WINNETKA. 3012 96L1'N44-ltc CAPABLE, GERMAN COUPLE, WOM- an good. housekeeper. Man, caretaker, gardener or houseman. Excellent north* shore references. Lakte View 4992. 96LTN44-2tp SITUATION WANTED WHITE COUPLE CALL ADAMS, WINNETKA 2669 96LTN44-ltp 97 HLPWANTED-FEMALE1 WANTED - EXPERIENCED SECTION MANAGER FOR WOMEN'S AND MISSES' POPULAR PRICED DRESSES. uUAIU~fl.94L44-ltp PRACTICAL NURSE; WILL assist with light heuse work. Wilmette 3204. 94LT1N44-ltp Serviceç in Roa( netiça. pKIon~ I4~1 xý 66, l .1W44-1t