UH » ore the Pain" la the theme of th* mnl*OVresermon fornext Sunday mornlng, Mea'ch 27. The. service beffins wlth the organ prelude at 10:30 aud thée Introit la aung just bef ore 11.. >The special muiue for next Sundty, wiilbe au follova:' Organ <10:46>:"The Wslk to Jérusalem" .. *.. ... .Bach-GriswoId 640 Gulltiens Lamb of God". ....Bach Marie Briel. Ktroit, 4'gàntuW".....Marie Bni Aathem: .-0 love that 'iIî not Mt Me go"...... ....... .... Eggert. MyA. Stronau choir Offerory Slo: rheré la a 0Green 111i Par Away" ......Gud SHoward Berhalter OruPost lud.: "Prelude and Fuu nC major". ........... Bach The Church sohool meets Sunday morulngseat 9:30 ,o'clock. New enroli- ment@ may b., made. at any time. The intermediato Epworth league, for aeventb and elghth graders, wiii meet Buuday eveulng at 5 o'ciock. The Utg School Epworth, léague meetàsSu uysat o'clock. heta Upsiipp Rho Invites oung peo- ple ofcooliege sue and older *ô ineet vith them Sunday evealngsaia. 5:30 o'cloci. The. second ot the serles of Union Leuten. services wiii be heid Sunday, *veulng at 8 o'ciock In the Cougrega- tional olaurch. Dr. Hlubent Carleton of the Episeopal church vili preach. The Spiritual Enrlchment services on Weuluesday eveuings trom 7:310 to 8:30 lu the Guild room i vii continue Up to and includlug April 6. These service-* are volt stteuded and gr.atiy appre clatedl. Dinner vili be served a: 0:31 o'clook uext Wednesday by the. Fiftth ,division. Place yoiir reservattoi>uInl advauce with one of the division chair- mn or Mm . W. Mitchell (Wihuette 3769). Planto attend the. remainder' of the serles of meetings. The Chorus choir meets for reheansal this eveuing <Thursday) at 8 ociock In the Junior room, under tMe direction of Miss Marie Briel. T hene lu stili room for addltionial voicea. Lenten 'Noon-Day services arc being, held esch day frorn 12 :10 to 12 :40 at the Chicago temple., The. sciiedule ,'foi iiext vpek (March 28-Aprll 1) la as fol- Iovs: Monday-Wiliiam. F. McDerniott:1 Tuesday-Arthur Mons; Wednsday-- John W. Funston; Thursday-War!'en Clark; Friday-John' H. DeLacy., Junior church wviii care for lie chli- dren .during the mornng worsip service. The i.Tikis. club, the. iigh achixol group of young people, viilmeet at 5:30 o'ciock lu the chape., 'tiie toploý for tiie meeting viii ho,, "Testiug thc Teachinga of Jesus." -We vii Jota vîth the.other churciies, lu Willuutte lu Uic Union Ei'%eniug'Len- ten service at the Congregatlonai ciiuréh at,8 o'clock. Dr. Hubert Carie- ton of St. Augustlne's churci viii preaeh the sermon. The Boy Scouts viii meet Monday evenlug at tiec ciurci. The Girl Scouts9 viii meet Weduesday eveniug at Uic church. Our midweek service viii Le iield Weduesday evieulng ln tiechcapel at 8 'ciock. Wie *111 use John 1 as. our chapter for devotion sud study. We in- vite you to worship viti us. Tiie Chicago Preabytenial society vfiii iaeet Friday, -April 1, ..&t the Rave"s- wood churci, Cullom sud N. Hermitage avenue, Cicago. This is the annual meeting. Reservations uiay Le made viti Mna. R. H. Rice. Tie aunual meetiug of the church affi cozigregation viii be held VWednesday evening, Apnil 6, at the chunci. Dînne-r viii ho served. Membhiin luthe. Peniel .Co*nmunit.y Center Auxiilary- may Le had froin, Mrs. Charlotte Pritèhard, 92.5 Pawne e road. St. Jokn'sLuth eran WVlmnette sud Park avenueýs J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a.m.-First service. 9#:30 a.m.-Sunday schooi .and Bible classes. 10:55 a.m.-Sunday school class fo.r cidren of tire. to five yeras. il a.m.-Second service..ý -8 p.m.-Wedneàday sud Thursday- Mid-week -Lenten services. -IIEETI.NGS Martha .Gvild for girls cmployed ou the north snore, today; 1 p.m., get-ac- quainted houn; 4, business session; 4 :30, social hour; 5 :30, supper. The eveniug service will take the. place of the. uuas Bible study perlod. Open bouse, today, after the service to il o'ciock. You have often sald to yourself,." ought to go to church." Why Inet start uext Sunday-or this eveulugl ,english Latheran Seventh street at Gréeuieaf * A HOUSE 0F WORBRIP" The Rev. David R. Kahole, paston Church- achool.............90: 45 a.mi. Mrnuing wrii.......lam MID WEEK LE3TE.N& ERVICE. wedu'e0çay evenlng at S.o'cwok. Tiei ualc .for the. service o! voràhlp uext Suunday moruing la as foii6oa: Organ Prelude-Invocatiou lu B Fiat ....Guilmaut Antiiem-God la my: Guide ... Schubert The Senior choir' Solo-Before- the. Crucifix. ..,. LaForge Joy Wilson Deossier Postude-ShortPrelude Ilu G Minor ........... ...Bacii Victoria McLeod-MIilsty of 3Mutlc. Th~e Confirmiton clansa'*111 ieet on Tiunsday afternoon at 3:45 o'ciock. The Senior choir, viii rehearse on Tiursday eveuiug et 7 :30 sud thc Jun- ior choir on Saturday morning at .10 o'clock'. Churci sciiool couvenca on Suuday niorninga at 9 :45 o'ciock. Tiiere are classes for ail ages. Worship witiu us at our service uext Sunday mornuig at 1.1 o'ciock. The youug people of our -.:h.urelu vil join in wti the other churches ef the Chicago ares ln an Inpiratlonai L"àn*en Retreat to be ii.ld next Sundjy a«ter.. noon and evening. March 27, beginning at 3 :30 o'ciock, et the Wloodlaw» Im- manuel Lutiieran churci, 64th and Kenwood. The speaker for the after- noon session wiii Le the Rev. Charles W. Keglcy, secretary of Fellow Lutheran Students of the Chicago area. Valu-ý able pointers in planning and conduct- Ing Luther league devotionai aud cdu- cation meetings viii ho given; There Will b. a. feiiovship supper snd lthe eve- ning program wlll include moving pic- turces of oun missiouary objective in the Vîrginla mountains. UNION LENTEN SERVICE-Suuiday evening, at the Cougregational church, the Rev. Hubert Carleton preacilng. Service la at 8 ociock. Plan . to attend these Union services every Sunday ieve- The speaker at the noon day Leuten services lu the Harrisatheater next week viii be the ReV. Dervwrn G. Oven, arch-* blshoeof Toronto sud primatei of ail .'The archbiabop sudMrs. Oven viii lie the gucatsfor tii. veek of Dr. aud.Mr, 1 Carleton ait the. rectory. Kenilworth Union. Dr. Herbert L, Wlieéttl minîsnter, Dr. Wilcétt's subject for Sunday,, March 27, viii ho "Religion sud Death," tii.fourth of a serlez of Leute'n address- es., The. church service le at il ,o'ciock., The mnieicfor -the church service -wvill .be as follova: Organ >.Prelude--Chrlst Lay lni Banda of Deiath ........ .......Bach Choral Prlude-0 Sacred Head Nov Wouudcd ............... Bâch Atiiem-Had W. But Harkened Unto Thy Word ........... .. Davis Offertory-Andaute.....Gion SoIo-Twenty-third .Psaim. Malotte MisesAmes The Wome's guild will nippe lMon- day ïnorning, March 28, at 10 >*clock. Thc vork of the, guild la for the bene- fit of good causes lu viih the womeu o! the church sud tie comn.nity are interegited. Ail vomen of Kenilvorth not other*lse engaged on Mondays are invlted.to ahar n utuis wonk. Thie Sunday school vili meet at 9 :45. There are classes for chlldrn between the ages of kîndergarten and the, higli school. Visitons are *nvited. Durng Lent Dr. Wiiiett in giving a senies of taiks ln preparation for Eater. for members of the Sunday saiiool. His subject for tuis serles viii ho IWhy Do W, Have tiie Different Ciurches?" *is. subject on March 27, will ho, "Th Metiiodist Fatnlly'"; Apr~i 3. "The Free Churces"; April 10, "-Communtîy Churches." Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor On Sunday morning D 1 ecision Day *111 be obseýrved lu .,th~ Church sehool1 which nicetS at ^0 ocl@k. Dr. Allîson Wi meet wlth the. bo3'p and girls who desire :toconsuit hl, 1ý a speciai lu-. qulry session heid in t Gulld room at the, tinie 0fnusUal cIabsa sess ions. The annual Palm Sundaychi ens ~IeUE ~ES5YIRI.uq1 thirat," John 19:28. jThe second v <m~.sastes'h'ae Me ar 01 ~tugy, Apnil 3, the confirmation tjougr eutohi el evenlugj dinl the la>' eve- aUL raU>' at Finat Baptiot, litou,. a: the "mre tipie, vho (Cotlnedou Page 00)