LIffl. SwIss Gryer. Ch.. Pac&.d luinsixidlvidual. fis-o wrabppad porff.s-4pr.ds eai- iIy adIfis . affer-isser 25cI Mkot maies any 6uala * kng -of dellgh. 8r. 2.5c 1-.45-C Aperfefcftkoiallt te srve 6w. *Dy smea4pedally ld l if.h b e.. won.Uld 26.<a e - 3.fS -7 AJ2 C Win Y«, Grtape JeIy.Moor ou they f.pure fruit a nd Suger usasi la Skis. c C if .D.j 9 Buir Oberkles swetbu fart end add f ayrelié 1*, service-2 9 RiPETOMATOUS %EXAS SIWOLESS GRAPFRUtIT. Juisy endi, Medium Sie-o. 49g-JumIio Sie--Dom 4 JUICY LIMONS. Wky sot buy a dozes or two et Sis low prise for pi«s. puddings. cifrus jus.e- dot.2me APPUIS Winoeps-for oeainq or cookig- Willpw Twgs- for cooki- RyalAnme Chorde Chili andi srva' for. déeet or remove stoues and use lu froif slads-They are noof accepe- able elher way-.' No. 2 fis- easy te prepare or seve- Spri.g Sao id. de' Larme Avocado Pear--2 Leaf Laffuc- lb.-21 Cucumbers- 2 for 21 French EUndive- lb. 31 Radisbest Wafer Cross or Green Onipis- 2 buaches col"ir Hoars- 3bu.çhes 32 Green Pepper- 2 Io 3 l,-25c 5,for25e 16 VEGETAILES ifing vegefeble piffer, use -SMell1 car"o§sYoung Sefs 1 13buocbes 19c oc oc "i 4f« 2kC FRSSH SHELLED LIMA BRAS. S. gouisi won uerved witf aleny of browned o butffr-f y20 es 11FL@WER SD ~~IMM 2U ', fer SPRING OUCKLINGS. Oh. bmw fempll.g wkms roested WM iapple dreuin, ands srved PJj wifI, fres, lima beasê--Average 51k.s. eécok-lb.4SM'C CHOICE SIRLOIt4 STEIL DUi iou*1 tender andi juiy bef-Steai for dinser h always sure37 to brd.g .1gb. of'd.Ight-i.37 RIB ROAST OF B15P* Our beef ilu-ages and elways the finest procurable-Fuli of lavor andi woqnderfulIy fende- 3 ~ ~ ri-NoERUiIîFANICPflTEES. h"1. Ilo fr-y , .$vet.Ueàwa . Avrage.lgbf o aPound-, 1. 41c FRESN ftOUND SElF. VEAL ou Wiflp fbls seat a delious loaf can Le p; jiffy-Add enu egg andise.sonig- Then baie-.- ORANGES FMordaleJuice Oranges--Thin-skisuied endi chock ful of rich, refreshng juice . doz. Californie Naval Ot.uges-Rich in juic-fine for slicdi-, talas or oeafitêgouf of bad-39 SeedIes&- .de.. SHOIILDER VEAL CHOPS. So wh.s breadesi and fries ini., te- a lb. 27c FRESH FLORIDA MACI(EREL. A de.i1.lou Loufes, flua, whotefr qke broilesi or boleId-f 2a d l. c 1.1Rogers Park 0118 Place Yumr Orders for Ebter Gifs Now ... BeautWuI Fruit baskets or Homps Sblpped lb. United States MARCH 24, 1938 For a