Asure youvsest of t ii O I*underiOal enuidcories chaninq çuMbined wlf*,ou bod, pressing. One roumi one pickup and orne doli Wvli tae .Cao of &Il yor n cCliIYod. y! WINNETKA'10.50* GREAT WESTERN LAUNDRY CO* 01k.e: 090 Und.m Ave.. Wiuunelka PA TRONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS YOUl CAN VOTE IHIGH TAXES OUT ~Before their election the five county eue Mecommissioners from' the country, towns rzow in office made you' this pledge: à drastic reduction in the cost of goven- msent of sot 1«s thm, 25% or resg. they voted with Lelly-Nash democrats and increased expenditures. They have dkeated themeelves. Tbev can't expect your support now! AORCIAFTJr. I rft I Aulcraft. Meniber Evaugtos lty counil. The five men you sec here are business mien, prom'ine nt in tbe business mlorld; they know that increased taxes are.caus- ing bard times th.y are determuinqd Prim ry 1«91« April 12 '~e 44 adpaiWfor hby .1 houonkUo* Iwhich will have its anniual convention' tr-r ljl f~1Iyi.iia~i at New Trier High school, Friday- andj This. organization has functionied in 'Saturday, April 1 'and 2, as aninounced previous prinaries. and elections, and j by co-cnairmen Ann Burnham and J im 1it ýs evidelit that. jOlin are as follos:it intends to 'play. John Adamison, Mason Al%,drich, John1 a major part' i Allen, Pete Dachirach, Rlay Ambler, Presý-t the present con- t on A.-ühton. jFrank, Badger, Whitaker Baer, Joets, nw rpdy IBayard, Fred Bird, Kingsley Boyd, John crystaliziiig into IBoy ntpn,, Arthur Brerton, Jim' Bryan, one of the hottest J im Buhai. Bill Buttner. reod Harry, Canfield, Bob. Canning, Clinton01 Calîpenter, Paul Casterline. Dale Chron- Speakers stress- e, B3ob, Clark, Wenldell Clark, Jack cdthe intent of . Clayton, jim.Cleniente, Ranldy Coleman, the, organization John Cook, Dick Cowan, Ken Craw.-ford, [Dorn Cu.shman,-Kenneth Cushnian. to. demand cn Jack Davfis, J. Denson, Bob Ehmer, 1'didates of h iohestJ Mari y Eîsen4taedt, Tom- Ellig, Jack1f character a n d__________ Esier, Norman Evans. Lick Farmer, Bob Farwell, Dick Far- biit? capable of wlTeddy Fassberg,- Ed. Foscue, Sv rendering acc ept- T. J. Lynch Fralick, Len FiakJ. lkFizr bepbi service, in order that the%- Horton French. C 1arl G'epp)ert, Garrett James, Donald might appeal for support of voters UarettonClarke Goodnow, Fred Gor- opposed to machine manipulation of don, AI Graf, Arthur Green, George Public offices, Greenaway,. Bob Greenberg, GordonEdoeLyh Groh. dotLyc Leonard Heike, Fred Henschel. Logan Thlonmas J. L-ync h of Glencoc. was Higginbottom, 4Walter ýHildebranid, Mk Hill, ]Ralph 1lIlner, Glidden Hinman, etidorsed for , re-election as,:.New Walter Hochuh. Merrili Hoeger. j Trier t wnship committeeman, based -Jack Hetgr, L.iw * toland, Euge~ ne t 1tsàlitr~tli ~ hw Holland, Bill Holst, Bob Humphrey. 1 h luSa neeth a Carl Humphrey, Jim Hurd. il the y-ounig people of the township, Dlck IdIer, Wlllard Jarchow, Howie the leadership lie lias exhibited. anc[ Keefe, Tom Keith, Dave Kendrick, Jack his fearlessness in upholding thu 1iii- Kerîdrick, Jack K&etcham, Dlck IciX- terests oftepol rgr1-o .Miller, Peter Kreer, Andy Kuby. o h epergrlso James Lang, Paul Langi Bob, Law-ý political Pressure bY* machinebsss rence, Jack Lawso' n, William. Lazear, Teenie Hnr- utnvja- Fred Leeman, Russell Leech, John.Lig- Th nieHoir ýout\-Jr gltt, flick Lehman, Bob Liess, Robert ecki ticket was also endosdspca Llnderthal. srsAbiggie o thecad, eiday Arthur MacDonald, Chuck Mack, INaiof srassph e. S ivnheime of Winnt- ren MacKenzle, Philip MalOfienE inheierHafrri1lie_. M1ather, Leslie Matson, Jr.., Bob 'Mat- ka for th .e stat e senatorship froin lte thews, Holden MeAllister. 17h senlatorial district. Edwin McKeown, Bill NliLaren, Bill Te >tuihcmiteo h McNitt, Jack MeQuide, IHarry Miller, [h ectecomte.Q te William~ Mitten,. David Melton, Bol) club is composed of the fhoig Miorrîson. ..William O0'N"eil l arriett MDr Vince Oatis, Jim 01111, Niort çOmlan, C)r Don Paulson, Bob Quaintance. mlott, Jo111 Casey, Ltarr%- Porter, Bill Roemer, Rlck Reckford, George Briati Moran and Eugene Yut-ller, Redding, Dick Renn, John Rodîter, Bqoh Wilnîlette; James McFadzean i ai ]Rogers, Dick Roth, Ed flopthse-hîld, Joe 'àp Si1iier r, Winta Royal.- ah nseneJ. Bob Shank, Frank Sherwin, Herbert \ýVaddy POltti, Glencoe. Sieck. Jr., David Siegfried, -%In kýart.-_____________ ____ Leland Simipson, Hugo Stange, Ralph. Starr, Ralph Starètt, Bob Steinhoif.: Muri'ji Keliie>y, Janet K~n Eleanor Alexis Tellis, Bradely Thomas, Daillon King, Patsy King, Elizabeth.'Kis-an, Tunnicliff, John Uhlemann, Betty Jane . Knight, Adelaide IKoenen, Bob Walsh, Glover Watt, Dey Watts, Frances Kracha, jean Kritzer.7 Kari Wehrneyer, Richard WeIlch, Jack Bonnie. Lamb, Mary.,Fr*ances. Liug- Wiese, Robert Wiese, 'Phorna.q Wilcox, hEad, Rita Lenr aeLgit i' Sandy Wilder, Buf William .grl.LheCher Jne Loucks, Bar- Ralph Wiliams, Jlm Wilson, Joe Win- bara Lukens., Barbara Larson, silzalne terbQthayn, Joe Woode, Jr., Bob WQol- Lyon. son, Tom Wrght, . len urley. Iy Janlckl Muriel frey'. pat .John- Rosemary ,Jones, rnenne kaVanagh, 'hYauas ±aylor, Joanne Thioinpson,. 'garet Tuttle, Pat Van Arsdale, Bar- a. Vernon, Illian Waitarl, Nancy Ward, Barbara rren, Ellen Wa.tson, Frances Weber, iWelborn, Margery Weldon. ýetty Wels Charlotte Wllds, Betsy son, Peggy Wiltberger, Marcello roi. Rleka Wolff, Jaice Yoeman, anfle Zimmnerman.