AMERICAN 1f~MI APRICOTS CoIlferalo. Aç- 30-ex. tuai cote ph.. -- con. cons M coose Gcol C colkl WHere are soin. unusug. values this week end on American H ome Fine Foodil Favorites for many, years In hodms thatdmandfine quclity. Stock up today at these money saving' Prices. SEASON'S FRESH VEGE TABLES,. Green.Beans l.9<ý AMIIICAN NOME rida fluver of pure jute pressd Cn froua vin* - rip.ned tomotoee AMERICAN HOME PEAR S' Califomnic Bo- 9-x laits. Malt. de- No .21 Ildousm-fo& -llda. MARKT VAL UES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURbAY IFancy I QualityI L Spring25lb. NI choice AMREICAN IhomeV B E A NS MN PORK la tomte »Uae. 1-x Bg el. cans . e * MARCýH:24, 1938ý 1 * Li Fý