Ail No. 2 Tins-Serving 4 to 6 SGREEN LIMA. REANS-t'ime sav- er, garden fresli' SALAD) VEGETARLES-nine gar- deën-fresb vegetables '~riICORN---Golden Bantam or. Sweet Crosby TOMATOES-Whole peeIed, red, ripe BEETS-Whoie,, tender, sweet SPINACH-ýGarden fresh., freefom grit yowoIL o.7S , MONARCH- COFI VE '4 Ib.1 ;27e 1ExcitingNe wa! Pimet QuuaIty Foods T1he pick, of the crop f rom world's finest:, orchards fields. thé. and At Spécial prie" froin yeur loc: merchants isted-below Wm. J. Borre 421 Rldg. Rond WIm.sse. 3601 Linden Market Wilm.ft. 947 MONARCIM PUNIR FRUITS Ail No. 2Y2 tins-Serving 6 to 8 BARTLEIT PEAIU - stemmed -and cored YELLOW CLING PEACHES.- larre golden halves. APR COTS-Whole, peeled. SLICED P!INEAPPLE--thick,,'ilces SHORTCAKE PEACHES-Oregoi E1lberas choie ~ i do. MONARCH OCEAN FRUSH FOOD$ SALMON ...3 JUMBO SHRIMPS ]Big, plnk, aneaty2 . fellowa .. TUNA FISH AI] whiteNo ineat... .. ....... 2 u e ILsop ai~m, Your ta fiavor o and cri liclous! 9 catis4 rer... am£en t in s . . . Mien , 's new! It 1 e1. eau. 1. 13 e-' IMars'a odSo 10 lg ot al UnsM 1215WIl.*eeAvenue Open Evenings and Sun days BARTLEIT PEARS-balves flme- PLUMS-whole peeled Gage in6»L PEACHES-Halves or sliced N C*IERRIES-Red pitted, extra sweetened APRICOTS-whole peeled in heavy syrup ig%~~49. Wlmtte 4000 MARCH 24, 1938 N 409 Lindeui Avenu*