'bleanor Steen, 1535 Spencer. ave- nue, Wilpiette, ts a' member of the Gripineil college Giorls' Glee» club, the oldcst girls' glee club n'est, o[ the Mississippi river, which will pre- sentý a public con cert Monday March 28, at 8:15 .rn. in the sez'- enth floor recital hall of- the Audi- toriuni theoiew buildii4q, 0ongres and Wabash streets. Miss Steen, a junior, is a first alto. Mrs. Lenoir Hood Miler, '106 Si.rtl stre't. a. Griiniell alumnae, is anong the sponsors of the concert. Women Voters Siate Program at U. of Ce The annual spring department day for the local Lea.zues forming the Illinois League of Women Voters in the northern part of Illinois will be. he,-d4,,at4udson court, University of Chicago, on Tuesday, Maf~rch 29. There will a morniig -session starting at 10:30 o'clock followed by luncheon at 12:45. The morning sessions wiIl be de- votcd to program discussion as aà preliminary toward adoption of -state and national programs at conventions tis spring. At luncheon, candidates for. Congress will each be given 10 minutes in which to address the meet- ing. . Acceptances have been received from Michael L. Igoe, Scott W. ana ,wîu neon vuew thrcl Ccmpleting is circuit, be ýpliced on exhibitiion ISeabçrg Ni willj from Hay, un-1Chopi. atJrY of Music. AMr. Ie heard ini sélections Brahms, IUebussy ,and,, w. - j WILSO0N,&CO MAKES OaIy WILSON & CO. malt. SUDect wilA 0Cz L.nristian Science: The Religion of Authority. He is a mem- ber cf the Board cf Lectureship of the Mother Church,ý the First Chutrch cf:Christ, Scientist, ini Boston, Mass. HAýMS NI;7" Nb 50-0-ý1