at 6:1b3 Uclock. [lThre wil De. 3nô admittance charge. The speaker is unusùally qualified to discuss the subject which is upper- most ini the mind and conversation of the *orld. Hourly, 'as foreign edi- tor and director of the foreign .news service of the Chicago Daily News, Mr. Binder is separating truth, froin, propaganda. in world affairs, _piecing together' isolated reports1 and seem- ingly tilriela-ied developments - in short, handling news which is yet to explode. Hais job is to know the trend of events long. before the lay- man is aware that a change is taking place, to point out that trend and make its meaning clear to the minds, of American raes Carroll Binder bhas sre as chief correspondent of the Chicago Daily News in London. ,Rusrsia and Italy. He has traveled vast areas of japan, Man- chuko, China,.-and Latin America, as well as every corner of Europe. His work bias made bim 'personally acequainted with many ôtittâtditîg political and military leaders through- Announce Sping Tour of Virginia, Washington, D. C. Ruth Kentzler, a member of the staff of the School of.Speech at North- western university, will conduct the tour during the spring holidays, April 14 - to 19, wbich will explore -hi storic points i and about Washingtoni D. C., and Williatnsburg, Va. Te, arty, which isopen to students and to resi- dents - f the North Shore, will travel by train, boat. and motor coach. Besides visiting1 Norfolk, James- town, Williamsburg,. and Yorktown, the -group will have two and a hall days. in: and around Washington. It will be there on Easter Monday when the White ]House. grounds are opened for the egg rolling which bas become traditional. Miss Kentzler becamie interested in assisting mid Westerneirs to see Wash- ington wben sbe was a resident at the nation's capital. In the past sev- eral years mèire t1ian one t tbfsand have journeyed with ber to enjoy Spetlal for ONE WEEK ONLYI, B.d PsIlows 217.727" A $2s0 vilus et 5,very Bmw pris. Is MATTRIESSl COVERS-TrouIt. Wik@sba WeÏkbbU.wlhh mbr..kabl. rsobbr buftmsvuse INURt SpamN ýMattress $7-95: 1506 SHERMAN AVE. $1 SRAUCHS SLUMSIR SHOP Va tl.* S..à f ueGveSif. PAUST~ IbwREfs'A&rbrJ~vcLIÂzJr 7MAGINE a 12-cylinder car giving 14 to 18 miles pei Agallo~n of gasoline! A few years ago such a tin didnt .eem possible,6.but today, it's a'rueaiity. Not Only that-the Lincoln-Zephyr V1-12 bas brought a new conception of com fort to the medium-pricé field-a ride that turns rough roads into boulevards. Drive it and sec for youruelf how far'ahead i. isi luxury and riding case, in performance and econ. omy! Asic your dealer to lend you one of the striking new Lineoin-epynfor a new kindof rid.e t"y. A, gentieridiug V"12 that gives 14 te 113mes pe galiu C.Minvohar. C.u«.and , EVANSTON