I*'s possible justf wiç e ayar to .buy beaufffi lWoMnm'cft Houl.ry et the». kw piossi £very pair ihlovoIy and learwlfh.a variefy of Styles suitabla for spor ti ay* n d oehingweari Lay in a supply nov. If w l man malsavlngs for youi Wod. ruaft s Perfect Mates Everyday chiffons, 2 perhectly match- ad pirs Io a bon, Ragularly M à a pir. $ la short. modium med lointâs. -M 03 7uh'd Service R.igum l . 0 Tii fIiwlg tyesreg.ioriy pelce utSife Iis... ........ Soer 84bried orepo -MIL) Soot r .thnme e'e .with blaek hoal (2U) Extasine *-thm.aI .hIV. 89c, ]Extra smsa Ithrm.sermvies ]Exras Iematov, .1ot. fum wa = -7 gS sttul t 0-tO.(SO .~r)WExralemgtl, fbea 98c, e ladly $1.15 (2W0)........ 98 Regular le. ,3-thread crepe wilà "geuin. jacquard W»c top (250) .................. The, Fa mous, Sara-D-rew FOUNDATIONS. For. thse larger Ibgare!: DAVIS STREIET:EASO Service ChUfo. R.gularly 79c. 0< EVANSTON