of the Federal Reserve Act. ASSETS Loans and discouints............................. ...... Ov,%erdrafts ....-...................................... United States Goi-erunient obligations, direct and or fully. guaranteed............................... Other bonds,.stocks, and securities ................. Banking bouse, $150,000.OO. Furniture and fi xtures. SI.OO.. R1ealestate otwned other than bankinghouse................ Reserve with Federal Reserve 1ank ............... Cash, balances with other banks.ad cash te111i lin process *of collection ....... ....... .................. Cash. items fot in . process of. collection ............ Other assets............... ........ ............... ta 1al................................ p498900M.70 588.19 li073p403.31 796,492.25- 22842.20, 39695.9-4 $4,21 19254.7.7 LIABILITIES, !)etiuatiu! depo-)sits of imdiv~idtais. Prnrhi .adccrorto 1lime <eposîts of? indiîvidutals. partnerships. ;gnd ,.,corl)orations. State, couty, and municipal deposits............... ....... United States' (;oVeriiment and postal svùsdeposits, ....... Deposits of other banks, certified and officers' check, outstanding, etc ......................... ............ *Secuired by the pledge of lbans an.d or Not..... ...................... $ 2,538.86 Su'ts-eure bythe p)edge of loans * ançl'or..n...t..nts3e857,901 Total Deposit-s ...... .... .. . $3e860P528.97 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid ........ Dividends declared but not yet payable, and aiino*-ts s'et aside for dividends* nùt declareil and for. accruied interest op capital notes and. debentuires............ ...................... Othier liabilities ...................... .................... Capital accouint: Capital notes and debenitures: Sold to Reconstruction F-1inance] Corpraton ...$68,800.00 Com mion stock, 2,000 Shares, 18000 par $50.0D, perý share Surplus......................... .......... 55,00.00 Undiý,ided profits-nlet.........................5,362.42 Reserves for continigencies..................... 87,192. 75 Retiremient fund for preferred stock or capital notes and debentures .... .......... ... 19200.00 1Total Capital Accounit.......................... 177,513.49 2,538.'86 21,860.25 14o,766.98 961.14 17p442I.51, 317p555.17 ;4,211,24.77 subscribed before me this llth day of March, 1938. VERA PRIEB1E, Notary. Public. My commission expires Fcb. 9, 1941. Al , . Ili 111 Sm à. III (SEAL) Wl.LMTTÉ LIFE