Dance >ter-Lent Event for Center A., aff air will be.the "'Carnival" dînner. dance arranged by the North, Shore àuxiIiary ~4the Chicago Materniiy center for the ee zin g of April 30, ai the, Drake h<tek Coopératmin ain g aragements for the pafty are Mi-. Raipli Hu&k finam har and m i.Ray, T. Johnson., socml harman, and theïr re- spect ive commtees. rs.,Earl J. Cooper is presient of the auihfary. Mrs. Ade Schmahe is assising Mrs. Hia*kin the distribuion of tickets to. the finan cconmittee whose wnembers' inchde -Mms. John Dixon- Ristine, Jr., MIs. Axci Hofen, Mns.'Philip Sxnit Mrs._ Kenneth Brush. Mrs., Francis WooLard, Mis. Fred Pioger, Mis. J. MacCGegore Fraer, Mrs. William > B. Heuser, Mis. Richard Bryan, Mrs. Ai- fred Gansberg, Mrs. Purcel Smith of Kenaiworth, Mn.s Court W. Toei, Vil-' mette, Mis. Forsythe- Tramel, Nirs. Pauli Heineke, Mrs. John Mciii, Deer- field, Uni. Herbert MueIler, and Mrs. B. H. LarrabeOf GiMe-e Mns. Leiand Johnson is co-chairman of the social tommittee. Members of the social çommittee are NIrs. Cordon VanKirkc, Mrs. Samnuel Lang, Mirs. Waldo ejher-ÇbCicago, Mrs. Elmer E. Schmus, Mrs- John Goessele, Jr,, Mis. Thomas Couser of Barrington, Mrs. Burton Ingwersen of Wiime-tte. Mn. Heury Enibree, Mrs. Philip WiI- kmn, Mm~ A. Dryden Eberhardt 'NMrs. H. D. Brohnn, Mrs. Arthur Colwell. Mrs. Edward Ford, Mrs. joseph Eliff. Mns. Fred W. Ringley of WNilmette. Mrs. L. D. Wheeiock, Mrs. Thomas Mouttand Mrs. Leon Savacool a very new ineber of the auiiay who re-. certly moved. to Evanston fi1romi the east Joe Rudoipb's, orchestra will play for Withmore than one-hundred layettes flnisbed and delivered to the center, the Mn.- Anme! B. Spach, 228 Leicester. road, Kenilworth, is spending a several we.eks vacation in Tryon N. -C. and, wII be home about the first of Aprit Atter ait absence of a mon th, during whÎch they took an eighteen-dav cruise to the West I'sdies and South America on the Suwdish-American liner, Xiungsho)m, M~4iss Gertrude Matthews, an'd the Misses Prud4ence and Ruthi John son (from kf t th) riqht) have returned to their homes in Kenilworth. Miss Matthe-cs is the daughter of .3fr. and Mfrs. Beni H. ilatthez(,s. the .If1 isses Joh-nson are daughters of Mr. and -Vrs. Hotiner H. Johnson.. The travelers u'ere photographed at one of the ports of cail ion their cruise. Golden Age of Books Is Pelfa Gamma Alumnae Progrem for Smith Club lirs. John R. Mont&gomery. 109 Green Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Bebn'ke, 826 Greenfleaf avenue, spet2t this past week-end ini Detrdit. Elecf Mrs. ton was New, Président Williamn Aldermtan of ;elected president n and North Shore A iGammna sorority for, Evans- of the .lumnae thp - Luncheon-Bricige, M rs' A. L. Grinneli, 2425 Kenil- worth avenue, entertained twenty-one guests at a luncheon and bridge party at ber home on Tuesday.. and Bridge Party, The ýspring salad and bridge Iparty, sponisored by the and -mreans committee. of- the Wôoman's Club of Wilmette. Of W1i*ch MUrs. Howard, Ringholm jis chiairman, wvil1 be held, Wed- nesday, April 6, at 1 o'clock at ýthe clubhouse. Mrs AturG ýIStanten is in charge of the par- t'.. The tables will be decorated ith poted lants and amnong the priz7es ill be lage fowering plants, baskets of fruit aùdflowers and other articles that wiIl give the room >the, appear- ance of a spring garden. There will be a table prize for each table. Mrs. Stanten suiggests that, the~ salad bridge Party is a way to enter- Ytain friends and pay off 'obligations t without any effort. Salad and suit!- wiches will be mnade by the. commit- tee. Mrs. C. J. Zipprich stiktcair-, Pan:,Mrs. Charles« W. Robb, Jr.. has. charge of the card tables: M rs. George Putnam and Mrs. E. C. Hild reth will have charz'e of the serving; George S. Hehdrickson is, in charge of the prizes. A committee of four is selecting Plants for the table decorations-'Mrs. W. W. Baer, Ms.. Rov Marquardt, Mrs. Robb, and MNrs. Albert L,. Grinnell. Reservations may be 'made with 'Mrs. Stanten, with Mrs. Zipprich, or c anvof the mnembers of Mrs. Stanten's cornrittee *hich is as follows t Mýrs. Edwvin W. Burbott, MNrs. Grant Chandler, Mrs. G. M. Christophel. NM rs F. 1. Crowell.*.Mrs. N. P. Dale, Mfrs. Lb. W. Elias. Mrs., k ýL rin- nell. Mrs.' E. C. Hildreth,Mrs.Pericy IdIer. Mfrs. P., F. Keller, Mrfs. Ray- rnond Lake, Mrs. Robent Lascelles, Mrs. Earl Low. Mrs. Robrt M1aeser, MNrs. Roy Marquardt, Mrs. George ness meeting, maeras wi tributed to mýembers for th 0f babU ayettes for Cook Cc pital. ater in the afternoc wýill be played. WILMETTB .LIFE