jal." > .. . ... ....... No. jiJnuary ........ .9 Fébruary............2 Trotal .............. 40 10.87 Bouidenoes January......... ...... 17 Februai7............2 January.............-.29 Fehruary ............30 VOL. 96,500, val. $112,470 122,884 $236,464 $253,000 192'00O $445,000 $297,250 223,324 $520,574 ictu XELIS à Co.. UNC. JIU 1.EW.a ng an ~4ir-oPpUig. AVe t OML BUUNERS sand GA@ NOLmlES STOKERS, Patroflize Our, AdvertiSerS 846 Venter Street Wimmetka 4i S>rnsg ClfrSteady Heat -R& Coke ýSe. Our . umphotely Automatic Coke Stoker WILMI COAL & MATE ices were started during February this 937, wlth a similar ratio ini the value of :ollowing comparative tables: Seven-Room Home, 4' Slated for Wilmette Three building. permits , one for a, new residence, one for a remodeling job and one for ai private garage, were issued In Wilmette during tL past. week. 'Tbe residence is' being built by E. Cramer, at 1212 Sixteenth street. It is two stories. comprises seven rooms and is of brick veneer. construction.: The estimated cost is $12.500. The permit foran alteration job 'was issued to A. E. Jones, 1224 Gregory avenue. The estimated cost of tbe im- provement is 1$1.500.1 -C. T. HBauber is building t he pr ivate garage at 1617 Hlighland avenue. The, cost is $300. DowdaII WilI Speak on New Housing Act Ray Dowdall, delegate of the Ev- anston-North Shore Real Estate board went to the recent conference in Washington, D. C., on the signi- ficance of the new Federal Housing act, "I be the speaker on the subject the. Federal Reserve act," was Mr. CanIhel Dowdall's comment this Weè,k.' QMI The meeting will be open to the public. New Resicence WiIl Be Iyg Erected in Kenilworth ERA O A building permit, for a new resi- uA ,ence, the fifth since january 1, a ini 63 Suburbs New building in February in the Chi- cago Suburban region is reported to the amnount of $1,185,498 by sixty-tbree building comnissioners, according to the survey released..today by Greene- baumInvestment c ompany. Analysis 'of the returnse proves the situation to be better than the total re- ported indicates. The apparent falling, off as' compared with, Januaryb, which had atotal of $2,039,871, does not mean any real reduction, in tbe amount of suburban- building. between tbe two mionths. In 'February only one, public project of corisiderable size was re- ported, the Rooseveit school gymnasinn at lSth avenue and Harvard in Broad- view, for which John C. Howe, the building commnissioner of tbat suburb, issued a. permnit in. thé amount of $125,- 000. in, January,,to the contrary, two sucb item$ alone added over a million dollar to the total--$300,000 for a field bouse for the Proviso township higb- schoolî and $771,000 for the Niles town- ship high school. The inclusion of sucb unusual figures in any month almost lnvariably makes the succeeding montb seeni poor by comparison. If these school projects in both January and February be ft out of consideration, it will be found that general building in the sub- urban region was considerably better in F~ebruary -than in January, just as it was last year. 1111tN MUU o in a8&8 5Lie u ~1 po,- 010. This compares with onl.y 57 ini January valued. at $486,965. A large ini- crease in permits for repairs, altera- tions and additions is also indicated, the figures being $178,246 -for February and $125,646 for tbe preceding month' This is improvement. of, the soundest typýe and, there are striking indications that it will continue, but before consid.- èring these it may be Sntéd in wbat communities new home building in suh- m. -ni the llterests, air Unie. bd m BMm coast- I