--.-. a, - il*8S ziziapet Deus eVU this summer. That cabin will be a place .where the girls will uiot only have lots of fun but where they will learn about the real outdoors and outdoor crafts, learn more about little things that go toward living. together helpfùlly and know the -jpy of a, simple, wholesome outdoor life. Miai..Furtimer YPlama Wednesday, March 16,.reçresenta- tives from eàch Troop and rack met atý the Girl Scout offce with Mrs., J. Sabin, chairman of the. cookie sale, to make further plans for the ways and means -of thé sale which ail hope will be the largest in the history of Wilmette now that a tangible goal is so hiearly ini sigbt. RaceiVo Plus Six B rownies of -Pack, 5 received pins Monday, March* 14, atý a St. Patrick's ,day party at the Fnglish Lutheran church. They were Harriet Ann Clarke, Betty Ann Martin. Lor- etta 'Silver, Jane Taylor, and-Georgi- anne and joanne Wherry. FOLK DANCING BADGE IMrs. Ross Moyer announced that the following girls have passed the folk dancing badge examination- Ann Bowen, Betty Hermansen, Carol Jiermansen, May Iliff, Helen Koll, Mary Lamib, Ann Lane, Betty - jean Moulding, Marjorie Moulding, Ellen, Moyer, Jean Scheibel, Jean Schultheis, INancy Sutherland, Helen Sweeney, Marilyn , Wells, Fay, White, Betty Williams, Nyhla Beth Yates. Fie l stltute This year Wilmette will be hostess to ail aduit Girl Scouts fromn towns within a radius of 50 miles, at a Field Institute, April 18, to be held at the WVestmoreland Country club. Home. Agaiu, Girl Scouts are glad to welcome back Mrs. L. P. Denoyer after a five- week trip to Mexico. The coudf of honor of Troop Five, planned a surprise party on the rest of the scouts in the troop as a St. Pat- rick's day celebration. Games and contests planned by the patrol leaders was the program of the evening. Yit! ActkowI 0 Pind, out for youusef.. ý.righi in your w home...how truly EASY ironing cati bel No more heavy lifting, pusbing, pressing-àbut, instesid, simple autonatic ction-evetding Miss Martha O'Connor of 149 Ken- ilvôrtb, who will be horne in'a few weeks from Trinity college, Washing- ton, D. C., for a sring vacation, will bring with her miss Ann Navin of Boston, Ma$s., her' roommate. Ir