vv isc5onsin. Firot Md Meet At the. sectional first aid meet with championship teains, from the four, councils, Oak Park area, Northwest Suburban. Evanston, and North Shore .Arear councils participating this last Saturdayevening.at.Rooseveit gram- mar school ini River Forest, the teami fromn Highwood, Troop 37, won, the contest. Second place went to North- west Suburban, third place to Evans- ton, and fourth place to Oak Park. Thé pe rsonnel ofzthis -first aid team is as follows: jim Muiik, captain; Evan Dever, Alex Haincheck, Frank Mordi ni and Loren Smith. L. >W. Smith ýof. Highwood trained this team. This team now goes to Chicago Sat- urday afternoon, April 2, to compete in the divisional meet at -the LaSalle- hotel! in the semi-finals. The finals will be held the same eveninig at the LaSalle hotel. Many supporters of the North Shore Area counicil's. win- ning troop are accompanying tbe team. ScoutI.&deu te M.t Tuesday, April 5 is the date set for a meeting of scoutmasters and their assistants at the> Shawnee Country> club ini Wilmette. The program is as follows: from 5 to 7 p. nm. a splash party, then follows the dinner. After the dinner the business will be a dis- cussion on making plans for outdoor activities including Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan. Invited to the meeting are the scoututasters and their assistants,, Thoatrical Photo Anonocement 'is made by Phi, Mu,,Gamma, national Prof es$sonal alliedarts fraternity,.' that'Richard Coe rwonky, 4iolin virtuo;o, com- Poser, and condctor of the Chicago Philhrmnic echita, te4uil 10056 be in,tiated as an honorary member of the organisation. Mr. Cseru'onky is the father of Joachim Cserwonky of 1015 Green Bay. road, Wilmette. Known for bis ccl for violin, he has co rangement of the Str Waltz" which will' first time in Chicag< ning, March 29, at1 cago as a part of the le1 rhoi rto i D major osed a new ar- ss "Bilue Danube played for the, )nTuesday eve- 'mne hall ini Chi- tournament at i'hiladelphia, March 24, 25 and 26. Others are in training-for the fourth' annil North. Shore tournament -to be played at New Trier High school, Saturday end Sutnday,. Apnil 2. and- 3. Seven courts are available at New. Trier. ýOnly 'members -of. the North Shore association in ýwhich there are 12.clubs and approximtately 1,000 Play- ers,9 wil be eligible for participation in. this meet. Courtney Davis, of Kenilworth, is tournament chairman. Nwmmd President At the Midwest luncheon: and busi- ness meeting, at the. Georgian hotel, Sunday afternoon, William C. I<en- hart, of Evanston,, former, Midwest treasurer and tournament, chairman, was elected president for the ensuing year. -Warren Jacksoni,,oi- the 'Chi- cago Badminton club is vice-pres-, ident and Mar Nelson, of the Ket- chum~ club, secretàry-tréasuret. Winners in the Midwest tourna- ment were: .Women's singles, Mrs. Billie Traxel Markt, Chicago Runnerup, Miss Wil- mia Wildes, Chicago. Womwe'sDouble. Women's doubles, Mrs. Markt and Miss Ruth Hass, Chicago. Runners- up, Mrs. George Fargo and Mrs. Boyd Anderson, Skokie Badminton. WITH THlIS Foi Limit"4 Tirhm OnIy ja-Wvan for scouters ofthte council. About 80 men will be leaving Friclay afternoon or evening, April 29. The group will- spend two days ini camp returning Sunday afternoon, May 1. Ail registered scouters interested in' Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan are welcome to make this trip which iý one of 'the highlights of scouters f e 110o %vs h i p throughout the year. violin solos,- songs and special arrange- ments of old -favorites. Having made his debut in 1906 at the Berlin Sing- akademie, he has just completed bis t1wen.ty-fifth year of performance -both here and abroad, .Born at Birnbaum, Germany, he studied with Florian Zajic, later with Andreas Moser, and finally with the great Joachim in Berlin. In .1907, he toured Germatnv. France, Sweden, Hol- Skokie iBadminton club and George Dent, Ketchuni Badminton'iclub. Run- erup, Ward Starrett and Harry Fraser, Skokie Badminton club. ,Mixed doubles, Mr and -Mrs.n Markt, Runnersup, Miss Haas and Seymour Peskind, Chicago. NÈW LOCATIÔN The management of the Missty shoe repair shop this week announced the opening in a new location, at 1145 Grçenleaf avenue. for A andl oung A. avenue,m receftly I Byron L. Fisher of 110 Fourth. aunt, Mi street will be aniong the students whom she from Purdue university return![ig Miss MCI homne this week-end for a. spring with hem vacation. Congress Chairs, C.il. ' UNI., 0091 WIL. 914 ~-It Oth« doileui al» am I ffa*'g .May fi.. val-s li wMhiul.g u mai Formerly f79.95 NOW 15" 115.00 Dowu 18 monl.o e. " Wmai la