the juvenile football tuai, mthetHolly- wood Tigers. HEARTY APPETIITES. Eleven Great Danes Workin in "Four's a Crowd" at' Warner Bros. total 1,564 pounds. They manage to get.away with a liundred pounds of' mneat and other canine :delicacies COLLECTS SCARARS Since, Humphrey Bogart revealed that liecarnies a scarab: for luck, s0 many fans have sent himn scarabs that he lias one of thé most ýunusual coillections cin the <futrv. Mickey iROoIe - Lewis sit..* *THANK TOUMRM. MOTO' Peter Lorre Fun.. Mon., Marc)' 27-28 "PENITE.NTUARY"ý Wal ter Connoi',y,- Je.n Prker PLUS ZANE GEEY'S 98IORN TO THE WEST" Tiiem., Wed.-, 'March 29-30 18CHANGE OF HfItre Gloria Sttiart lWfrhaeI Whalée PLUS 10MURDÉR ON DIAMOND ROW.@ Edmund Lowe. Thr~.Fr1., Sat. Mar. 31-Aýr, 1-2 "lBAD'MAN OF IRIMSTONE' Joant Crawford, star of "Tite Bride Wore Red" arnd "ýMannequi,", stops work on current picture at MGM studios long* enough for tea with Dorothy Arr.n>er, director. The IEngIish customt has been taken up by Hollywood, FRIDAT, SAYURDAVD SUNUAAN D MONDA V. MARCH 25-26-27-28 *TIfE DITCCANEED' mann, Johnn arradine, William Von Bricken, Nedda Harrigan, Philip Alin, John Bleifer. A complicated plot in a Chinese scene fails to daunt the im-1 perturable Mr. Moto, clever japanese detective, who tracks down hidden scrolls and finishes off the villain., Special mention lias been given by. the reviewers to the work of Pauline Fredenick as the Chinese princess. swellec-head young executive. GliO Stuart is the young lady who perfori the trick, and Michael Whalen is t one wlio profits thereby, BROWN NAIL POLISH Because Cecil B. De Mille, wl discovered and cast lier opposi Fredric Marih i "The Buccaneei abliors red fingernails,> Francisý Franehot Toue Gladys George Miekey Booney Starts at 9:00 u s Frauk Morgan Robert Young Edila May. Oliver Starts at 7:30, 10:30 Fr1., Sat., Sun. a.nd Mon., April 1-2-3-4 "MAN PROO W"g Myrna Loy Franehot Tome" sonja Renie Don Amoche Iftur iavorite Umnde--Ioe 0.11 WILMITTE ICE C. Ceohmt.s-h.ce iiiGv~D.~Rd. WL leet Your Friends"- 'Enjoy Yoirself" 1211 WILMET AVZ.