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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 55

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Deadline o nsrin-C)?,Mi#Od ert5geient u WiI. e WILIWTTE LF or ail three papers. Wedne»daY 9 P. D& for Wl1NNZT- TALK and Thursday 6 P. M. for GLENCOIN NELWs. Telepho«es: Wlmùette 4800. winnetka 2000, (Winnetka 500 after 6P.8 .> Goneaf-4309 or Slieldrake 1216-4917. relg 11I Doce ^ND CATS FOR SALE 10-month-old maie Chow pup. Pedigreed, reglstered, gentie. $25. Wilmette Ï517. IlLTN46-ltp 44 INSTRUCTION FORIlý THOSE GRADES THAT NEED A BOOST SUPER VISE DeSTUDY TUEl- NORTH SHORE , SCHQOL 0F <CONCENTRATION 4~i8 adge,44LTN46-ltp A TEACHER WHO HAS SPECIALIZED in, tutoring would like to work with either elementary schooi chldren or Hîigh School English students. Recom- mendations. Winnetka 2168. 44L46-ltp FRENCH. FOR TRAVEL, SCIIOOL. conversation. Practical French for beginners in 20 lessons. Group or indi- vidual classes. Mine. Blanc.he Tellis, W'innetka 822~. 44LTN45-3tp) 150-A *OARDING SCHfOOL.S LEAVE.THE CHII<DREN WiTI-i US WI-11,E YOU' ARE AWAY foi- a night, a week or a season., Reg- istered nurse. Diutetically planned rneals. Ideal location. Pre-school or after sehool clubs ineluded In rate. Chidren loý'e ItL Transportation to school now attending. Phono for description foider OUTDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL 822 Michigan Ave. Wilmette 1068 BetsY N. Shapker, Director Ilth year 50A-LTN46-ltër US MUSICA L INSTauuMNTig 4 FINE GRAND 'PIANOS INCL. Steinway, aiso Steinway and Lowboy upre. l3argains. Storage Mart, Iredale Storage, 1723 Benson Ave, Evanston. 5 WVARINO AppeREL Boy's Horse Hide Coat Nearly uew. isle 12. Reasontable. Glencoe 1778. 80-A WANTEÉD iTO SUT-CLTHINQ Martin's Clothinig Store WILL flUX MENS, USED SUITE shoes, overcoats; also fur coata. Besît Pricea. Prompt service. 142.Custer,, Evansten UnIverFitty 222A 80A-LTN46-2tc 87 REAL ESTAIS LOANS MQRTGAGE MONEY AS DIRECT INSURANCE COMPANY represenitativos we make.. bans ina iChicago and suburjas at the lowest pre- vail!ing rates -frequently. WITHOUT COMMISSION. In ether cases we charge such ,reasonable eommtselowe at., ma y be agreed upon. For loans of âatisfactory amounts and ternis at lewest interest (4% and up) telephone Davis 2233 <Hllycourt 4220 lu Chica. go), or write George T. Cooniey. 158f) Sherman Ave., Evanston. 87LTN40-tfe FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS. ON NORTH SHORE H!OMES Borrow up to 60% ot value. Conven- lent monthly repayment plan over 5 tu 15 years. Deal with a local Institution Fuil details by inquiry et FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE Mr. Clîfton, Secretary 1126 Central Aveume Wiimette 1431 87LTN35-tf( REAL ESTATE LOANS WE AR~E IN THE MARKET FOR First Mortgage loans on North Short property. Interest 4%% te 6%. joseph C. C'ormack & Co. L569 Shermian, E,%anston Uni. 3353 87LTNS-ttf REAL ESTATE LOANS Answer sanie day. Loans for new build- 1ings auswered snd flgured in 1 te 2 heurs. Frank Pavlik, Jr. (Robertson). 562 Green Bay Rd., Keunilworth, 111. Phoivn 2016. . O7LTP?.4tn~ CULTURED WO]M will assumé coir Iand eilîdren uw Capable. Refs. Y A-i Domestic Help Cooks, Maids and Couples VAULINi!ý'S kEMelkMENT A".ONCY. WILMETTE 2lî 1 94LTN46-lte, COMP. WOMAN WIS-HES WORk AN Y L>)AY-LAtUNDRY - SPRING lISE CLNG.-WASH. WAI4LS, i".P1t<M-ý PARE DIN~NERS, CAftE FOR CHIL- DREN. EVES. BEST REF. WiN- NËTKA -151.1..ULN4-t WANTED: POSITION- AS'NURSE for chiidren by graduate of Michael Reese Training Schooltfor Infants and, Cýhildren. -References exchanged. Mar- garet Birdsong, Bni. 1485, 7602 N4. Ashi- land Ave. 94LTN46-ltp YOUNG WOMAN, EXP. As COMPÂN- ion; managing homsekeeper; prac- tical'nurse. Reliýab!e, Wiling and effici- ent. Hastings, Geneva Rd. R. F. D. 1, Lombard, 111., Phone .Gien Ellyn. 820. 94LTN46-1t1>) ,WOMAN WITH. 15 YRS. EXPERI- ence wishes to take ln- laundry. Cur- tains washed and stretched.» W111 cali and deliver. Greenieaf 7869. 94LTN46-1tp CULTURED WOMAN, MIDDLE AGED, will asstume complete charge of honte and children while parents travel. Trustý worthy, capable. Refs. Winnetka 2039. 94LTN46-2tp WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Cooking and serving, .Çleaning or laundry. Address B-131, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. WASH, CLEAN OR IRON BY DAY WORIC. CALL EDGEWATER 3445. MRS. GEORGE ICNUEUR 94LTN46-ltp GERMAN . WOMAN, 26 YRS., WANTS cleaning by the day. Also plain cook- ing, luncheons anad dinners., Care for chlddren evenings. Wlnnotka. 1867. 94tT46-ltp SiTRONOiq, OMPETEN'r, GERMN- woman wishes iaundry and cleanlig. North Shore references. Wllmette 4444 _______________________94LT46-ltp HoIG SCHOOL JUNIOR WISHE-l bTO care for children .after school, hours and week-ends in exchange for rooni and boar-d.,Winnetka 1515. PART-TIME ALSO COMP. PRAC'1 MANY YRS. EXP.' WINNETÈKA WILL CIVE .?ART 'l -DAY WORZ-, Cali Highland larshail. 1 ur 944T46-.ltp NURSE, REFIS.1 1ilonlet, wants stead: àqurTn onnre experieh State specificationi. Write B-127 Boxf FIRST CLAS9 GARDEN WORK. Window à,nd acreen washing, housework. Good references. t 95LTN46-ltp' ObD JOBS ANI) PART TIME WORK, In house. or- yard. Winnetka 250. 9bJLTN45-2te GARDENER DAY O)R WEEK., LONG EXP. GOOD ref. Reliable. Wininetka 2848.. 95L46-ltp EXPERIENCED GARD)ENER-CAREC- taker. By day or week. (Jood North Shore references. Greenleaf 3615. 9rSL-TN45b4tp) EXPERIENCED MAN.. HOLJSE AND window cleaning, iloor waxlng, paint- lng, ealcimining. Aise odd jobs by heur. or commeat. A-1 N. S. rets. WiI. 2088. 96LTN46-2tu) POSITION WANTED AS GARDEINEJI. Greenhouse preferred but flot neces- sary. Excellent North Shore references, Highland Park 1740. 95LTN46-2tu DECORATE, P A INT, CALCIMINE, paper cieaned. Experienced painter. Reasonable rates. Wllmette 4254. 95LTN46-Itp EXÇPERT GARDENER WANTS WORK by the hour, day or contract. North Shore references. Call Wihrnette 3OT3. MAN AS CHAUFFE~UR, BUTLER, gardener. Or, wlth wlfe, ceok and génerai work, expert cateress. ColoredL 30 yrs. oid. N. S. refs. $115-$125 mo. Winnetka 2114. 96L46-ltc 97 HELP WANTED--FENIA ace. : 60 -2t», 2 Cook$, 2second mal 4 generai nio 7 general nii $15 p $16 GIRL FOR lu. emali b 1bloek.frow Wlnotka 34, 1 -.

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