630,Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 147L.TN46-ltc HERE~S A TREASURE A SPLENDID VALUE NEAR PARK~ Ave, station, Giencoe. 95-ft. frontage -fende--lovely trees and, such a house! Spaclous living room, 27x1.6, wit4i round- ed bay; 2 heated sun.porches; lavatory; 2 tile'bath. with showors; 4 bedroomg;, nil hoat. Nothlng to touch It at $16,1500. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm St . Wihnntka Winnetka 3603 Univeraity 7444 147LTN4f.-lie Exclusive Offerings OWNER SACRIFICING FRM.* COLO. 4 bedrms., brkfst & sun pchs., H.AýHt.l Well landscaped lot, gar. $7,000. Foreclosure offered at 10w price- for quick sale, conv. ,high & grd. ecrhoolj,: suitable for. famiiy of three. H.A.HT. $7,500. .1 .ELMER E. STULTS, INC. 460 Winnetka Ave,. Wlnnetka 1800 147LTN46-ltc A BEAUTIFUL WHITEÈ BRICK Co- lonial, with green blinds, lnn perfect condition both inside and out. 6 bed- rooms, 412 baths, and locatod ii ehoicest section of Winnetka. Near transporta- tion and sc1h66ls. Under $ 35,000. CaiT us fer details. Mrs. Fuller & Wrn. Pickard Wlnnetka 3603 Univeýrsity 7444 147LTN43-ltc. Secluded But Confeient DELIGHTFUL, LIVABLE HOME, -5 bdrms., 4 baths, library. Private road. Over 1 acre naturally wooded grounds. Beautiful views from every window. Only 2 bîka. to Hub. Wds. school. At- tractively pricod for sale: or may retit. R. M. JAEGER & Co. Exclusive Agents 522 Grieen Bay Rd. Winnetka 89 147LT46-ltc REDUCED. TO ,$6,000 Open Sunday After 2 1712. ELMWOOD,: WILMETrE- 3 BEDROOMS. 1% bath. Lovely garden. Hlot water heat. Insulated. , No .offer undeir $6,000 considered.'7 COME SUNDAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF 147LTN46-Itc FULLER LANE - FIRST TIME OFFERED - porches. Property overlooks SkQkle Countryt Club. Frontage of 105 ft. on Bluff, St., 180 ft. deep. Phonoý for ap- pointment, Kimbail,. owner, 770. Bluff St., -GlencoeB 170. 147LTN46-ltp $M,00 FOR IMMED. SALE. S. :E. WINN. 6. rm. hse., oil, scr. pch., beau. Md. asy terms, Winnetka.269. ý147LTN46-ltp. 148 FOR SALe OR RENT--HOUàS ATTRACTIVE SM-LL HOUSEi IN DEERFIELD For furtherinformation call Mr. Pottinger, Randolph 0112. Robert L. -Jéhrýson, 110 S. Dearborn, Chicago. 18T4-t 151 FOR SALEZ-VACANT WE H-AVE A MOST AT-,, tractive homlesite on West-, moor Trail in Winnetka priced at. under $50 a foot.' A nyo n e contemiplating a home costing in excess .ýof $20,000 shouild investigate this prol)erty. 795 EIm St. Winnetka 715 15 1LTÇ46-1t(, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Shormnan Ave. Wilmetto 2486 151LTrN46-1t-c Fine Rav'inia Location. CORNER GROVELAND AND LAM- bort Tree. 200x1410. $5,500. Owner, Winn. 1720. 151LTN46-ltc I MUST SELL MY WOODED LOT niear the lake-100 ft by 150 f t.- eut to $5,300 from $10,000. $1,500 crsh. Choice Acreage Three-acre hoMesite on Sunset. Ridge road, near golf club, ln: restricted area, surrounded ýby, fine homes3ý and good, neighbors. One and a half acres ln old. orchard trees, on Sunset 'Ridge. Buy your. ac1 reage homesite now while. choice sites are available. Country Homne Beautiful elght roomn country home on wooded site, ln the Sunset Ridge school district. See it today. Northfield solvos -the.liomesite prob- lem, for large or amail incomes, with low' taxes, good schools and the right neighbors., Soe us for YOUR homesites Lèwis T.. Dodds, Northfield Village Hall. Willow at Skoie Winnetkca 1111 Greenleaf, 2738 166LTN45-4tc 171 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GQOODS IREDALE STORAGE SE VERAL BEDS, DRIESSERIS, CHIF- foniors, - bookcasos, odd chairs, rock- ers, tables, radios, davenports, comfort-1 able loungo andl pull-up chairs, few domnestie and oriental rugs, dining setsI comnplote, (5) piece wainut bodrooni setI very reasonable, maple and oak dinette sets, studio couches, lamps, large wal- nut office desk, crib, child's chifferobos, gas stoves, and many ýother articles too numrerous to #nention. 1723 Benson Avenue Evanston, M,1 W"ilmette 1332 'University 9300 stovo, wasliing mnachine, drier. 206 Woodstbck, Kenl Sat. .2-6, or phono Wiliel appt.1 8-PC. COLBY WA.L. BEDI cost $400, for $165. 2' 80 matt.. and .box spgs; cost .$ .-pc. Schol mapfle din, suit, MUST 81!LL ALL HIOUSZH0LD goods by April 15. Sacrifice rugis. twini bed set, single bed, dressing table. 2 chests of drawvers, odd chairs, books, china, glassware, porch furn. and rug. misc. articles. 510 Central Ave. Wihn. 171LTN45-2tp DAVENI'ORT AND CHAIRS;: DINING roomn suite, mcil. china cabinet; a few good ýMid-Vi1c. piJeces in walnut; large. Cold Spot el% yrs. old) ; Universal tablé- top stove; linons;* dishes; rugs7; mise. items. Mrs. George Van Fleot, 956 Lin- den Ave., Winnetka 2067. 171L46-Ite Eng. China. . Ant. D. R., Set 9 PCS. MAH. '& R. W.D. BEDRM. SET Wal. Leaving city. Rogers Park 1773. 171 ITN4 6- tp Breakfast Room Set EXTENSION-TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS. Kenilworth 4787. 171LTN46-Itp AXMERICAN- ORIENTAL RUG, RED PRFdDOMTffNATING. 9x112.PERFECT CONDKIITION. COST $79.50 SELL FOR $35. WINNETKA M40. 171LTN46-îtpý JENNY LII¶1 DOUBLE METAL 13Efl with springs. 2 chosts of drawers. :' Chinese throw rugs. Hand carved maitie top table. Winnetka 3186. .171L,46-1tp LARGE 6-BURNER, 2 OVEN GA.S range. Also instantaneous gas hot watter heater. Seli cheap. Winnetka 2843. 171LTN46-1tp MAHOG. DINING ROOM TABLE. 4 CHAI RS, EXCELLENT C O N D - TION. _$17.50. PHONE MISS SH-1U LTZ WILMiTTF, 431. 171LTN46-Itp NEW%ý MODEL WHITING S TO K ER for bouse. Installed wfth ail acces- sories. Priced reasonably. Cali Winnot- ka 687. 171LTN*46-1tc, Will also .accept 'your furnitu re on consignment basis. CROST FURNITIURE STORE Established 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Uni. 0189 172LTN39-tfe M. BERG will pay top prices for your used furnI- ture, bric-a-brac, household articles, books and men's clothing. Winnetka 1522. 1721,TN43-4tp BlREAKFAST' RM. FURN.; GOOD quality. Fire screen; service plates; Red Seal Victor records;, Amp ico rolîs. 2756 Euclid Pk. Pl., Evrans. Gre. 5825. Winnetka 2700 147LTN46-ltc Road & COONS 'I': .Glenviç,w 7 Idra, 1,rLN46-lte cnesî 0f 1 XPONG TABLE, $8g MARTIN BIRflHUE,80 ,vely lar»p». Wlnneîa 56 1 73LTN1tl.ît 199 Hlm