CHIFFON HOSI A j=eaut value for sautb1 ioveiy b.sry. Voueu uSUnt ortier More, a orne ]ase w*o tyoutsft the.fixe quaniy at %ech a,1'w prift.: A 47cý $,uar2.50 New S>rrng KID GLOVES T'ho kitiglores gre of eoft asuppie skiai la elassie andi noyaity stylos. NSavy,.: laok. brown, bel amd thl smle st ........ W7os ew SPRING GLO VUS SUmo.I Angelslkla, o". big wovex labies and eartietirayon çioves . tew splag eoie m7 c, Ske.' Linon border bauuker- ch lofe. seconds 0'f 10e end 15. yod- Ruai-stop RingleSi 'ecinfores. meBnt > pointe of Wear FUJI Nýew -Sprintu colorn sises 8% th 15Sc An exe0lCiit as- sortrneuit of pat- ternis and.colors. pUgular 2&c vil- liés. Sus7 SoyS' 7/11 HeSe Perfect quality, sires 8 t0 Il. Special, pair.. 17c (.4 ~ RAYON CRIPI BLOUSES Tailored or Frllly Boleros and Siiehes. In 8striPesi, told colore and IovelY priats. Regalar $1 values, specil, 87c Neckwear De>t. Nowest S>ring Styles ii Real, Leaiher H ndbag.s Baga wlth the popular top-handies, back straps and pouch styles. Patent. bagé .core ne black, navy,, tan and roseberry. Caif and .159 goatsikIn corne ln navy, . tan, black and gray. i 6-Rib 011. SiIk Umbrellas Umbreilas with gold or sllver finish frames, extra hcavy bOndies wIth matcblflg tips. ia navy, black andi color. Begular 51.109- and $1.98 vlues'$1A I Now Alpha Wrist WuI'ches Regular $1 Crosses Large a nd senai ies with lovely chaîne. Many are 0ub f a 7 kind ....ý.7 Special Sale of Reg..lar Thse Now Standard Sseis for $1.98 inoyemeUt. SPe. elal for tiire. flousehold Waxed Paper Regular 45e Rap-lu- .Wax, 200 feet ..39C $1.$59. WILMETTE, LIFFE lill la , ée'l