Your Outf its v ( This la the seai0ea 46'bi lui *-dmi offtexeltlgcl leeetlo fswaes,8 it "d4 Jack ts : 0 doJust that lor gl. ue gelée- Uoujý... ne ser"tble yonr JACKETS Weil -talloreul Jeekets la soft shetand- elotb. They bave the Iuiirtant details U4d sotteiiint to0uceh es tg*,, d la, expeusive Jaclk- ets Ilu Iorely ,astel eclors. ai... Il te Skirs $3.9 Attractive shetland sirts tliat match or contrant witb the J*ekets. Gord style ln lovely colors. Bines 12 te ». Dress Coets. Jlggers. Toppers. Sexy, Ceats anouedffrs Misses' sud W....', Sues, $1388 YoUIIl have ý.te sec these fino quality co ats te uppre- ciste the~ unusumi value. Siges for juniors, misese$ and wouuen. at .$248 Aspeclal sale group of dress cocts. cas» tii Cots uiW Ipc In the. newest styles and fabrico. Sizes for misses and women. = =14 p J oe I Lovely New' HATS > For layer? bDaya New movelty straws IlUd feits. Shepherders. sallors, Gibqon girlOot, the face, Bretonis, Pitt Boxes, Sombreros. Ne., Spring brown, parisaiHi, rea a nd bordeaux. $440. WASHABLE PASTEL Sizes for ................ . . 1. 0-V M Printel llonsoeoats lu wrai, r aremad and4 battom front styles. Bluesil 4te se. ........ ...... li I ýýl elý 1 1 1