Every' one worth mach more than Here it is .. cllctonof brand.,new 1938 dresses in every new spring color, fabric and style. Rushed fromn New York for this Sale. Sizes f'or every miss. and woman. Carnival, Week at--, WIEBOLDT'S "NI' i $7.44 A igpiedid eoII.ctlouet 'semai oesls, restera oui box swaqffOln lu uetiuis, vlos we Borne1 are, sample coats. Ail -Érs specially prielfer tldse veut. 511cm 7 te IM Girl, DOLERa .SU UTrS.. 9pe» mits, bele style, la skiper, rfestberry and eo Peni. siss 7 te 14. -% $1088 Sale .1 Girl*e Rayon CrePe DRUSSES S$2e. .64 ~-' I y ~ 4. I V 1/ copies of mc higher Priced a ~S S Buyers' Days Svrngs on (ilotties ~<>r LITTLE TOTSJ lIii.. and RUgerwaS.O . ........... dresses. Rayon crepes, taffetas and sheers in new sprini colore. BMes te .- I ~su RAYON DRESSES- Misses anid Women '-Wi