.ofF Plants of Sevon R.gions of U. S. to Lend Authontie Touck lo Huge Dispiay Opening April 2 By Jessi.: W. Kné$fs, Smnilax and magnolias of Louisiana; cactus of the Ameri- can deserts;:holly trees, broad leaved- everg reens and, broom of, Oregon; bougainvillae and palm trees of Florida; blue spruce and columbine of Colorado, and roses and old fashioned garden flowers of Illinois are brought together in the Chicago Flower, show, presented by the Garden Club f Illinois and openinig Saturday moriiing,. April 2, at Navy'Pier to continue throùgh Apnil 10. The ~theme of -the show, '<Gardens from Maine to California," gives the club a chance to build the most spec- tacular and, from the standpoint of plant material, the most interesting * yet attempted. - Mrs. O. W. Dynes, for the past six' years the general chairman of the show, and this year acting as one of the business executives, is presi- dent of the National Council of State * Garden Clubs, and it is in her honer that the Garden Club of Illinois bas built this framnework for the show. Usually gardening in the midwest has been 1featured.' The National Council. of State Gar- 'den Clubs, organized in 192(), is miade up of forty state federations and two extra territorial clubs-thc Garden *Club of British Columbia and the Bermuda G a r d e n Club. National meetings, held in varjous parts of the United States twice a ycar, bring gardening enthusiasts together tto dis-. cuss horticulture and to visit famous gardens of the locality. At the meet- ing in Cleveland. last year, Mrs. Dynes was ,unanimously elected president of the - national organization, Dartv as a Show Panorama on Navy have as its architectural feature a ranch bouse, and Colorado blue spruce, columbine,' and sage will be fovnd in, the plantings. In the South Atlantic s tates region there will be two bouses, one witb a serpertine wall, typical of Williams-; burg,ý the. other, a Florida bhouse. Bougainvi.llae and'palm, trees -will be among the Florida -.plants, box and- azaleas wll be used in the .Williams- burg .house. Bayberry bushes andlaurel_ wil1 6e featured in the New' Engadrin and azaleas and -rhododendrons' in the Central Atlantic,States regien. Tlhe Illinois , House wil ble a mid- Victorian .farmhouse witb arecessed porcb. The gardens will be particular- ly stunning-follewing the pattern cof an old fashioned flower bed cf, bril- liant flowers and folUage plants.. The building cf a great flower show presnt peculiar difficulties. An army of gardeners, private and com- mercial, plan on paper and then start methas, and semetimes years ahead, te raise what wilI be needed. .1If TWO trees are te be used- apple, pear, magnolia, dogwood, aza- lea, rhododendron-probably a dozen will be grown, hoping two will be prime. The samne is true of bulbs, roses, hyacinths. There mnust net be too mucb sun-too many dark days- toc severe a winter-too. mild-these growing living things cause great concern and occasion many wakeful nighits as to wbether ail is -well in the nursery. 1Thiree wceks of actual building is needed to do the construction work- "te set the stage" for the gardens. Then the ýpeat mess and the t 'ruck loads cf soil are brought in-and thien the plants are delivered, in beat- cd vans, i f it, is very cold.. Orchids arrive' in littie tent houses-closed al around-and on the. inside each flow- er. bas its own separate wrapping. Probably ne other type of exhibi- tion exacts sucbi a price cf its votaries as does horticulture. Koehne P~hoto WVith flou-ers in her hair, Miss .Margot Webbe, Winnetka debi-. tante, will be presented as one of the mnnuequins in the tea moon at the Chicago Flower show on the Navy pier oit Debittante day, Tiies- day, A prit 5, at 3 in the afternoon. The debiitantes ont Tiesday zvill ail display fashions in flowers. 5.11 Tickets, for Dance Recital to Aid School Girls Theose iinfrrested in the work of tle. Park Ride School for. Girls are net only urged te buyv tickets for' themiselves for 'the dance recital which Harry Ham-: ilton will ,e at the Stude-> of Famous Garden During Flower Show, A replicia of the. Church of the Holy Comforter, its famnous gajrden,ý and the rectory will be among the _e ducational exhilits at theé Chicago. Flover show,, Apnil 2, to 10, at the Navy pier this spring.ý Loaned by the Rev. Lelahd H. Danforth, paster, of the church, the exhibit. is spon-, sored by the Kenilworth Home and Garden club. Mrs. Frank Naso isin charge of the club's exhbisand assisting M'r..Dan- forth ivith the arrangemen 1t of, the replica wvill. by Mrs. VWiliatii 0. Beit,' and 'Mrs. VVilliami, Freudenreichi, the president.. Mr. Danforth bas made bis chut-eh and its setting of bistorical,- literary, and horticultural as well as religieus intcrest. The location there. cf the Eugene Field sbrine, the tomb- cf the poet and his wifc, and the formation cf a roc k garden in',th 'e form cf tbe Holy Land are storiesin * ,themselves, The Înap, donc. to sçale, three inches te the mile,, bas dimiensions 26- by 18 feet. Rivers, mountains, towtis,. cities, and the Dead Sea. form a -very real and intriguiing. picture. Lucy Rogers Hawkinfs writing a descrip- tion cf tbe garden ini the October -issue of Townsfoik said: "Around the mnap there is a walk, and around the wvalk theré is a lhdge,, and around the hiedgc. there are many littlc paths. These paths invariably- Iead into something intcresting, and- there is, alwvays, a vista.. Mr. Danï- forth lhàs specialized. in vistas. One .may, be the charminglttesm r liouse, anoither may be the Eugcne Field statue, stili another 4 rugged. old trec with initeresting spread of graceful branches. Scattered about in generous profusion are innumer- able .objccts. of historical or bumani Louislna will be represented by two bouses, one typical cf New 'Or- *leans, the other cf a,.côuntry house of the south, with very elaborate gar- dencs featuring stpilax, bougainvillae, a.nd magnoli as, among other plants represe.tative of Uic .çegion. TheIWWMom"t nrqeon wi1 mr. l.amulton, a forme Bitd ay DinL will be assisted in bis ~ DhinerKathleen Addison, and H A dinner party for twenty-fou»r Giffin cf the Northweste guests was given Saturday at the music. Tickets may, be, home cf Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mitten, Evanston at Chandler' 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth'. ini Healy, or the Comnu honor of John Denson cf Winnetka,î and in Chicago at Marsi 1who celebrated his birtbday that'day. 'Following, the dance chasecl in *Lyon & Kitchen, next activity of the board of the Park, 1Field's. Ridge School for Girls will be a rum- ýcital, tfie mage sale about the middle cf April. WILMRTTIE LIFE, fft A' o I.. 'Il