J. D. Toloif Photo Miss Dorothy Berndt of 1501. Central avenue, Wilnette, is gen- eral chairmian of the annual bene fit card part y of the Winnàetka Busi- ness a"id Prof essional. Women's elub. ýTickets, have. already been placed on sale for this afair, to be held Monda y evening, April 18, at ll"inietka Coninuuity JJouse. Drema Club Appears a+ Club Conference The Winnetka Draina club, Thurs- day morning of this week, at 10930 o'clock, presented the first scene of the second. act of "The Silver Cord," at the animal Draina day of the Con- ed and invited to give a performance today, in recognition of outstanding work, ini dramna productions. Taking part ini the play, which. when first produced was directed, as it Was today,,by Hope Suniers, were Mrs. -Har-risoji L. Mettier of Hubbard Woods, Mrs. l3ertil Hilner of Win- îietka, Jeanne Miles of Evanston, Marjorie Hurtubise of the school of speech, Northwestern university, and Sam Barton of Chicago. A fifty- dollar prize was to be awarded to the ai Iesst'bon $ 15 in;thme square, Fred Workman; Jr., 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth, is at home for about a week froin Duke. university. He. is having bis Spring vacation. Left, the redingote, fa-hion's best beloved cos- fume-a .uII Iengfb pririted coat over a beau- tifully styled dress of the same print. EDGAR A STEVESU NUL1624 Orriigto. Avmenu. vmi v I :~:~ N 'f ýEDÇPAR A. STEVEIM$@"