21offtt Photo Mliss Relu' Folsomn.,945 Mich(igan aveinue, J'Viliiette,:,is ieprsd o!1t»r soph temore class of St. Vary- of-he-'~os cllegeSt.Mary-of- the-Wo~ods, .1kd. She was one of thez-delegatcs to the Catholie l'oÜt/ L.eadership /coivention theid at the Mlorrison hotel ini Chicago Saturday and Stmday, March 27 and 28. The sessions of the convention wvere cont- ducted by the' Rev. Daniel A. Loril. S.J., nationally knowîa leader of vouth and editor of The Qtieen's iV ork, inemnbers of wehose> staff as- .isied hum, as did the' Rev. MI. Car- raie .J., head of>Cisca.: Tito- thimsan d students frot the ,nrid- icrstert nSta tes attenlded Mhe C0*1r-onv- Month's Trip 1* Wedding Annîversary CeIebration, As an eighteerith wedding anni- versary celebration, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisenberg of 832 Sheridan road took a month's trip west.- They were in Los Angeles and Palmi Springs, where they stopped at the Ambas- sador hotel. WVhile in Los Angeles thev visited the MGM stutdips. through which Mn. Eiseniberg's. broth- er, Edward Eisenberg, police serg- eant, took them. as well as to other point.s of -interest.. They went west Ienee, are taki.ng a They are' going to join Zo de LaChaptIl be having hen 'vacali m!ont college. †-AciresnIents areoeing managed, by Mrs. Harry Pifer and Mrs. A. H. Cochran. Ail members Married are urged to save the date. Mr.,and Mrs. Gardner A. Callanen of Evanston,. formerlY of Wilmette,. announce :the marriage .of -their John NICeigiaii retuÜrned Wed- daughter, Margaret Elizabeth,, to nesday, to his home1 at ý661 Illinois George Francis Williamus, son of road after .a. shorttrip to Wasbing- George C. Williams of Evanston, at lon, D. C., and Arington, Va., St. Mary's cburchon March 24. Moneysavinhgl.eawte It's S ue.de! And il's from aur Autogràphed Hat .Br-one of, the clever- est .and, Riostfffterfrnq top- pers you con wear-4n IoveIy soft suede in Iusious flower shades and aIso in dark colors. $ 2.95 First Floor J jý n, Charles and * 1 riotor trip east. 3 pairs $285 3 pirs $4.70 ennsylvania to *xclusve et Stevens in Evansfon ewho will also >n ro Roe- EDGAR':A. STEVENS, mnc. I. ~ $ $3.95 Second i aooe EDGAR A. STEVENS, lum EvansfonEvanston