with bridlge parties, luncheons, dances, and a national conven- tion in Boston on june 25. In its honor the North Shore jun- ior alliance of the Evanston chapter of the sorority will give à dessert bridge at the chapter house, 625 University place, on Saturday, April 2. The -committee in charge of the af- fair is headed by Miss D)olly Burd, 810 Michigan, avenue, Wilmette, chairman, and Mrs. Tom Hall of Ev- anston, president of, the North Shore junior alliance. The Misses Janet, Mcllraàith, 1127, Chestnut* avenue, Wilmette, and Ruth Hoagland, 816 Willow road, Winnetka, are in charge of the tickets and prizes. Other meni- bers of the committee, include 'the, .Misses .Betty Hill., secretary of the alliance, ýand Gwen Kroehl,- junior representative on the corporation board; also the Misses' Lydia Mc- Graw, Marion Freernan, and Mrs. Robert Stonebraker and Mrs. A. Gro- tenhuis. The 'procceds of Satuirday's bridge will be presented by the junior al-! liance to the Fiftieth Anniversarv, fund of the National Corporation-Ofi Delta Delta Delta, which ini turn, mnain- tains scholarships and contributions 0t charities suipported by the sorority. Over 130 guests- are expected, to attend, including inembers of the JD. Tolott Photo Mrs. . H. A. Mlorrisost of. Win-i Ynetka wdas'reelected presidelit o! theé Evailstoln and North Shore Alitn,-. * .ae chapter of KýapPa Alpha ThetaI at a reetiinq, on M-arch 16, at the, home- of rs. W. W. -Norris in Flower, Show Notes Early this week all the architectural units for' the twelfth annual exhibit sponsored by the Garden Club of Mlinois and staged in. the Navy Pier April 2-10, inclusive, were in readiness awaiting the placing of the plants and flowers which wiill complute and cduâ' adMrs. J.ohnn T. irie. Mrs.(G. M M4cStay Jackson is art director, of ithe show. , Mrs. J. Cameronl Aspley beads the hospitalityr commniite. Mi. IOW L i...os DeciiinýposiUie tLU oIIUIy, cordially invited, They are urge< cail the chairînan or any of above members of the corlnittee. Win D. A. ,R. Prize for Magazine Subscriptions The Skokie Valley cliapter of J) A.R. will meet Monday,_ April INew this year is the potted plant d to exhibit, one which every mnember club' the of the Gardeni Club of Illinois i 's asked. to enter. Three of the north shore clubs which, this season, are not ex- hibiting ini the larger displays, bave entered potted plants only, the Ken- ilworth Junior Garden club, the gardeii department of the Winnetka Woman's club, and the North Shore the Garden club. 11, Speaking of plants, early this week *Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poronto, who have been spending the month of1 March, in Pasadena and Laguna, Beach, Cal., have returned to their home at 901 'Elmiwood avenue. r show, after mc 1g to ýail of those of the of at- itudious. UHLNZSIANN Jsêu,, 7 W. Madison St., Cor. State Entire 4th Floor Cen. 4179